𝟏𝟐𝟎. 𝐚 𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐩 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐞

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The weather became horrendous towards the end of March. There were heavy rain showers everyday and Elle spent a lot of her time sitting on the window seat reading as the rain hit the glass harshly.
Elle has bought a cinnamon candle in a muggle shop the other week having gone shopping with her mother. The aroma of it filled the entire apartment. Elle had never felt so cozy.

A downside of the torrential rain was that less customers were daring to brave the streets of Diagon Alley. It meant that there was a lot less work to do however it also meant that less money was being made.
Customers still came in of course, umbrellas up and soaking wet. But it wasn't the usual stream of people they'd grown used to.

Elle had always liked the rain ,only when she was inside though, and she enjoyed watching it as the drops raced down the window panes.
She met up with some of her friends that week. Lauren brought news that Katie was awake now and would be returning to school in a week. Elle wouldn't be surprised if she would have to sit the whole year for a third time after missing out on so much work. At this rate by the time Katie left school she'd be thirty.

Angelina announced that her and Alicia had bought a place of their own. Angelina was particularly thrilled by this as it had meant she could accept the job offering from Oliver Wood. She had officially become a substitute chaser for Puddlemere United.
Elle knew that the dark haired girls ambition had always been to play quidditch professionally and Elle couldn't be more proud of her.

They drank the famous toffee hot chocolates in the three broomsticks before regretfully having to say goodbye.
"I'll see you in a few weeks though" Angelina promised as she hugged Elle goodbye.
"I'll probably see you in a few days" Alicia laughed. Alicia had still been dropping by the shop whenever she could considering she only worked up the road.

Elle practically ran back up the street through the rain to get back to the shop. In hindsight she probably should have apperated.
As she raced through the entrance she saw that the joke shop was pretty much empty. Fred and Verity were sitting very close together behind the till laughing at something or other.

"Where's George?" Elle asked immediately feeling suddenly like a third wheel. This must have been how Fred felt all this time.
"Upstairs" Fred replied. Elle hurried up the stairs pulling off her coat as she went.

"I'm back!" She called, breathing in the strong scent of cinnamon emitting from the candle.
"Hiya" George came out of their room happily. She reached up to kiss him, "how are they?"
"Good" Elle sighed "Angelina's working for Puddlemere United with Oliver now and Lauren said Katie's going back to Hogwarts soon"
"That's brilliant"

"I know I said I'd spend the afternoon with you-" Elle began,
"I sense a but coming" George frowned,
"But I was thinking I might go see my parents quickly, I shouldn't be more than a couple of hours"
"That's fine" George smirked "I guess I'll just stay here on my own then"
Elle laughed "Don't be so dramatic" George just pouted sarcastically.

𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 // George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now