𝟏𝟑𝟖. 𝐩𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐰𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡

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It was a cold November morning when Lee Jordan came over to see the group. He was wearing a large travelling cloak and his dreadlocks were longer than ever. Everyone greeted him happily especially the twins who considered Lee their best friend.

They sat around the small kitchen table drinking mugs of tea as the weather outside was frosty and cruel meaning a warm drink was just what was needed.
"January tenth" Lee nodded "I have no plans at the moment obviously"

"Brilliant then" George beamed "we still haven't figured out where to have it but who cares as long as we get married"
"Do you have someone to marry you yet?" Lee asked,
"Yeah... Elle" George frowned in confusion causing Elle, Lee and Verity to laugh. The twins just stared at them,
"He means marry us.. as in complete the ceremony" Elle explained "and no we haven't"

"Brilliant" Lee grinned,
"Is it?"
"Yeah because I know the perfect person who has a license to marry people"

"Me of course" Lee laughed,
"Why do you have a license to marry people?" Asked Fred,
"Long story involving a lot of fire whiskey and a fun night in Vegas" he winked "I'll fill you in another time"
Fred and George shout each other an confused glance.

"Well that would be brilliant Lee" Elle smiled warmly "it'll definitely save us finding someone else"
"Yeah and it means we won't have to have a randomer at the wedding" George shrugged "it's perfect"
"That's great then" Lee winked "anyway I've been meaning to talk to you lot about something"

"What?" Both Fred and George asked in unison,
"I've stared a little something" Lee began "its on the radio called Potterwatch"
"Potterwatch?" Verity's repeated,
"Yeah" Lee grinned "well at the moment all of the news is spouting utter bullshit because that's what the ministry's telling them to do"

"So what's Potterwatch?"
"It's my own broadcast" continued Lee "you need a password to tune in.. obviously I haven't started it yet I'm doing the first one next week but I thought I'd let you all know"
"So it's a broadcast for the opposition?" Asked Elle.

"Yes that's exactly what it is" beamed Lee,
"But what if you get caught?" Frowned Verity,
"Yeah isn't it all a bit dangerous?" Sighed Elle,
"I think the people deserve to hear what's actually going on, anyway I'm staying on the move so it'll be pretty impossible for them to catch me anyway"

"I think it's brilliant" Fred grinned,
"Yeah it's wicked" George agreed,
"Good well if you could tell people about it... of course people you can trust the tell them it's on next Sunday and the first password is Phoenix".

"We'll definitely listen" Elle nodded,
"Great" Lee beamed "obviously I'm using nicknames, mines River, the first one'll just me me but I'll have guests on in the future".

The boy continued to talk about his upcoming broadcast as they all finished their rather large mugs of tea. Elle noticed that the sky was growing dark and she frowned before looking at her watch.
"It's only twelve" Elle muttered "whys it getting dark"
"It's been doing that a lot up north" Lee shrugged "must be a winter thing"

It gave Elle a bad feeling as she watched the grey clouds cover the white sky and cast darkness and shadows over the apartment.
"I'd better be off" Lee sighed "need to spread the news about the broadcast you know"
The rest of them nodded as they slowly left their seats.

Elle levitated the mugs over to the sink as Lee grabbed his cloak of the coat stand and threw it back over himself,
"I'll see you all soon" Lee smiled "January at the latest"
"Yes and we'll all hear you next Sunday" Elle nodded as she pulled the tall boy in for a hug. The rest of them did so too and waved goodbye as Lee left the shop causing the bell above the door to let out a soft sound.


Next Sunday night, the four of them sat around the small wireless radio as Fred tapped it with his wand. The channels switched between themselves occasionally reading reports of death or playing music by the weird sisters.
"Wish Lee could have made this easier" George grunted as Fred continued to tap the wireless with his wand.
"Phoenix" he continuously muttered under his breath.

"He didn't say a time did he?" Yawned Verity as the group hunched over the small device,
"No it's supposed to stay quite secret so the times will change around I guess" shrugged Elle.
What seemed like ages later the wireless started to make an odd static noise,
"Phoenix" Fred called excitedly as he tapped it with his wand once more.

It went quiet for a moment then everyone jumped in excitement as the voice of Lee Jordan rang out over the apartment.
"Hello everyone and welcome to Potterwatch"
They all grinned and relaxed themselves into more comfortable positions on the sofa as Lee continued to speak,
"My name is River and I'll be presenting the real news while other stations continue to brush over the importance information surfacing at this time".

The voice calling out reminded Elle of the time when Lee would commentate the quidditch matches at Hogwarts, Elle smiled at the thought of the simpler time they had been living in as she placed her head gently on George's shoulder.
Lee continued to talk announcing facts about the ridiculous new ministry regimes and suggesting they were trying to coverup a break in that had happened.

"Some suspect that it may have been Harry Potter who came in rescue of the muggle borns being interrogated for allegedly stealing magic"
The four of them sat up in anticipation,
"Obviously there is no sighting of him but many said they saw a silver stag patronus which we know is the form that Potters patronus takes"

"Why would they break into the ministry?" Elle muttered,
"I'm guessing not just to help muggle borns" Fred shrugged "guess there could be loads of reasons"
"The only facts we know" Lee continued "is that three workers who claimed they weren't at work were all seen in the ministry on that day which suggests polyjuice potion may have been used"

"He said three didn't he?" George smiled hopefully "so surely Ron is still with him"
"Well that's good news" Fred nodded,
"And they mist have got out of the ministry ok" Elle continued "it would have been broadcasted if they didn't"

The group nodded as they listened to the end of Potterwatch feeling a lot better than they had before tuning in.
Elle couldn't see the stars tonight but she still stared up at the greyish sky through the crack in the curtains wondering (along with everyone else) if Harry, Ron and Hermione were ok.


𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 // George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now