𝟏𝟑. 𝐜𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐦𝐚𝐬 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞

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Shockingly Christmas wasn't all that bad, but I'll not bore you with too many details.

When Elle first arrived at the station and saw the look on her parents faces that usually meant trouble was ahead, she feared the worst however her parents were so glad to see her that they didn't even give her a hard time at all.
"I've missed you so much Elle" Heather hugged her daughter with all her mite and was grateful in that moment that she was safe and sound. A mother's love should never dwindle after all.

Her father had a stern cold expression on his face but lightened up when Elle threw her arms around him too. She knew that this two weeks would fly by a lot easier if she just played along with the loving family ideals.
They made her favourite meal that night ,a full roast dinner with two Yorkshire puddings and mashed potatoes, she appreciated the effort they'd gone to in attempts to win her over and honestly it was working.

"So... are you good at it?"
Elle told her parents every detail of the lessons she had, missing out some parts which might scare them, they seemed more lenient towards Hogwarts when learning not all the lessons involved hexing and jinxing one another. She also told them all about Quidditch avoiding any topic of her near death experience and focusing on how she scored six goals in thirty minutes, her dad especially loved this as he was a huge football fan in the muggle world.

Next Elle moved on to talking about all the amazing people she'd met, she talked about Alicia, Angelina, Lauren, Katie and Lee for a portion of the conversation but took up about twenty minutes just talking about the Weasley twins and all the amazing times she'd had with them. She also talked about how she had friends in every house now. Her parents were confused over the system of the four Hogwarts houses but Elle tried to explain it best she could.

"So these... twins, they aren't trouble are they?" Elle suppressed a laugh knowing that they wouldn't be able to even comprehend half of the pranks the twins had pulled but she shook her head,
"They're like the schools golden boys, never in trouble" she smiled sweetly.
"I like the sound of this Alicia, she sounds like a good friend" Samson smiled and Elle nodded encouragingly in agreement.

"She's the closest thing I've had to a best friend... or even a sister"
"I'm so glad you have so many friends...I know you weren't given many opportunities before to ... well you know" Elle's smile faded as she reminisce back to the sad lonely life that she'd experienced previous to Hogwarts but what was the point of thinking of that when everything was working out perfectly for her now.

"So who's you're favourite teacher... personally I like the sound of Flitwick" Samson began,
"No I think that Sprout sounds the best"
"Both wrong" Elle grinned "McGonagall is the best teacher... and she's my head of house which is perfect"
"Yes she sounded nice" Samson shrugged.
"What about subject... I'm guessing Transfigurations?"

𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 // George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now