𝟏𝟏𝟖. 𝐫𝐨𝐧'𝐬 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐝𝐚𝐲

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"Why didn't you mention that sooner?" Elle yelled as she jumped out of bed,
"I got distracted by the counter thing"
"Your brother has been poisoned" Elle retorted "and you were busy thinking about whether me and your twin had sex on a counter"
"Don't phrase it's like that" Fred whined "I wasn't actually thinking about it"

"What the hell is going on" George muttered, he was sitting up now, bleary eyed and tousle haired,
"Ron's been poisoned" explained Elle,
"What?" George went to get up and Elle rolled her eyes and Fred covered his face,
"Come on get ready" she snapped before slamming the bedroom door.

George stood up looking concerned as he hastily pulled clothes over himself. Elle got slightly distracted staring at him for a moment before being pulled back to reality.
Ron had been poisoned.
She yanked on a pair of jeans and some boots before cramming a leather jacket over George's jumped and rushing out of the room, followed shortly by George.

"Is he ok?" They both blurted at once,
"I don't know" Fred sighed "I think he will be, I don't know what's happened but we have to go"
The three of them nodded signalling they were ready to apperate before they turned into oblivion and appeared at the end of Hogsmede.

The air was colder than Elle had expected and she wished that she was back in bed with George. He definitely knew how to warm her up.
Fred, George and Elle began to stride as fast as they could up the village towards the school however the walk had always been a long one.

George's hand found Elle's and she intertwined her fingers with his.
"How did you find out?" Elle asked Fred,
"Dad" he replied shortly "patronus" he added.
The school was in sight now. In July Elle was sure that she would never be back here again, it seemed stupid now as she'd been back so frequently in the past few months. Not for the reasons she would have predicted.

"It's his birthday as well" George sighed "who the hell would want to poison Ron?"
"Maybe it was meant for someone else" Elle suggested "you know like the necklace that cursed Katie.
"That's an idea" Fred nodded.

Elle was glad to be inside the warmth of the castle. She shivered uncontrollably at the immediate temperature change as she and the twins hurried to the hospital wing.
The doors burst open as they ran though.
"Ron!" Fred dashed towards his brother who was lying unconscious in one of the hospital beds.

"Where's mum and dad?" George asked. Harry, Ginny and Hermione were already sat around his bedside staring at Ron sadly. His face was pale and immediately reminded Elle of how Katie had been,
"They'll be here soon" Ginny smiled sadly "Ron's going to be ok, Harry saved his life"
All heads turned to Harry who seemed taken aback by the statement.

"You saved him?" George frowned as the three of them took the seats from the empty bed next to Ron and pulled them over,
"Blimey Harry how'd you manage that?"
"Ron got spiked with love potion by accident" Harry began "the potion was meant for me"
"And it was probably one of yours" Ginny interjected angrily.

𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 // George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now