𝟏𝟒. 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐬 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐞

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The new term at Hogwarts was moving along smoothly, Elle had reconciled with the twins and discussed Christmas over mugs of chocolate topped with cinnamon in one persons case. The twins had an amazing Christmas by the sounds of it as their older brother Charlie had come back to spend it with them, he usually spent time in Romania training dragons. When Elle had heard about the whole dragon thing she freaked out a bit but Fred and George just laughed and told her it was completely safe.

"We had a full house"
"And us of course" they grinned in unison.

Elle found it hard to keep up with there extensive amount of siblings and despite the twins attempts to try and help he remember them she still found herself getting them mixed up,
"Well Charlie's the dragon tamer"
"Bills the long haired rock star wannabe"
"Percys the pompous git"
"Ickle Ronny kins is well... Ron"
"Ginny's the only girl"
"And there's us of course"
"The best siblings if I do say so myself Fred"
"I couldn't disagree with you there George"

Fred and George also spent the remainder of the Christmas time of teaching Elle how to play wizard chess, she made a mental note that this would have been a lot easier if she knew how to play muggle chess first.
"That's not fair" Elle frowned as one of her pawns got ejected from the board by a knight,
"That is completely fair dear Elle" George smiled,
"It's just you are horrendous at this game" Fred sighed,
"Even worse than Ron" they talked collectively,
"HEY" the voice of their younger brother rang out across the room.

Elle wasn't bothered about re starting lessons, her friends on the other hand wouldn't stop complaining about it,
"I just feel like the Christmas holidays should be so much longer" Katie sighed as the five girls sat in a circle in the dorm room.
It was the night before the first day and the girls had decided to make the most of it, somehow Fred and George had managed to steal some pumpkin juice bottles for them and they laid out the remaining sweets and chocolate they'd got for Christmas.

They were especially intrigued by Elle's chocolate as most of them hadn't had muggle sweets before and were excited to try some,
"A crunchie? What's that" Angelina picked it up and Elle couldn't help but laugh, now she knew how it felt every time she asked silly questions about the wizarding world.


The girls went to bed with clear heads and full stomachs anticipating the following term. Elle felt relaxed and prepared to jump back into lessons, she was especially happy that she no longer needed to do extra lessons. Now she felt as though she fitted in better with the group and was actually not just a muggle imposter who was living a strange dream. Everything seemed to be going well for Elle at the moment.

That's when the dreams started again.

That night she had a similar dream to the one she'd had last time, however it was more clear than before. She heard the voice taunting Harry which sounded like something out of a horror film, deep and chalky. There were two voices and Harry seemed shocked by the appearance of the first yet she couldn't see who was talking to him. She saw the mirror once more and realised that yet again she was inside it handing Harry a dark red stone which he slid into his pocket.

Yet again Elle woke in a cold sweat as the dream stained her mind. She couldn't help but fear that this was all real but from what Trewlawney had said 'she didn't have the gift' not that she listened to a word that crackpot said anyway.
Nevertheless she worried that if this was all real and she didn't say anything... she could be putting Harry in danger, after all he was only eleven years old.


She decided to do the other option and completely ignore it, she had too much fear that everyone would perceive her as weird or unnatural or just down right mental. Everyone had dreams, some stranger than the rest... it didn't mean anything.

She also didn't mention anything to George, she already felt terribly that he lied to his brother about it, it wasn't as though she'd asked him to do that but he'd obviously thought that he needed to... probably to spare Elle from everyone thinking her crazy.

Elle was grateful that George hadn't called her crazy and actually tried to help, even though his attempts didn't exactly work. However she assumed that he probably didn't believe that she was actually predicting the future through her dreams, Elle still didn't fully understand the magic world and she made assumptions a lot that people took what she said lightly and with a pinch of salt... although this wasn't actually true she worried about this a lot.


Nonetheless Elle's strange dreams continued over and over for a solid two weeks. Every night she'd had the same dream but each time there'd be a new detail that she'd missed before. Such as a fire blocking Harry's exit or Harry clutching his head in pain as the voice taunted him.

She also saw new rooms, what seemed like a huge chess board and a room with what looked like shining birds flying around serenely. Elle didn't know what any of this meant but after a fortnight of being haunted by this dream, she decided that she couldn't ignore it anymore.

To her, it felt as though her mind was trying to give her a warning, or a message yet at the end of every dream without fail Harry would stare at her through the mirror and utter the same four words.

"This isn't your future" and she'd wake suddenly freezing cold and shaking.
Her first instinct was to go to George but she'd already burdened the ginger with her problems previously and she felt stupid if she went to him again.

However the twins, and the rest of her friends, had noticed something off with the brunette. She seemed to look pale and tired every day and was falling behind in lessons and not completing homework. This seemed odd to them as Elle had previously strode to excellence never wanting to be anything less than the best she could be. Mainly because she was worried that she would be kicked out of Hogwarts for not trying. Which wouldn't happen but it was another thing she just happened to fear.

By the end of the second week Elle decided she would talk to her head of house. Professor McGonagall. The transfiguration teacher had always been kind to her, mainly because she always did the required work on time. She was also Elle's favourite teacher and always encouraged Gryffindor's to come to her with any concerns that they had.

After lessons on Friday Elle found herself staying back after transfigurations. She told Fred and George not to wait for her and they shrugged heading off to go prank some first years. Minerva noticed that Elle had stayed behind and narrowed her eyes in concern,
"Are you alright miss Lupin" she smiled warmly, Elle stood awkwardly in front of her desk.

"I... I have a problem" Elle began not entirely sure how to address this. McGonagall told her to take a seat which Elle did quickly,
"What sort of problem?" Elle breathed in deeply hoping beyond hope that McGonagall wouldn't completely judge her for what she was about to say.
"I think that my dreams are... well predicting the future"

Elle told the teacher everything staring with the dream about her falling, which actually had come true, and ending by telling Minerva every detail of the dream she'd had about Harry.
When Elle had mentioned the room with the silver birds, the giant chess board and the dark red stone she couldn't help but notice that the teachers eyes widened in surprise and she grew pale.

Once Elle had finished telling every detail the two sat in silence for a moment while Minerva tried to figure out exactly what to say.
"That is certainly...interesting Elle but I don't think that it's anything you need to worry about" she smiled, Elle could still see the shock on her face and it seemed to her that the teacher may actually be lying about all of this.

"What about Harry's safety professor will he be ok?"
"Hogwarts is a very safe place I assure you we will be just fine... now if you don't mind I have a meeting to get to" Minerva jumped up abruptly "thank you for bringing this to my attention".
With that the teacher was gone leaving Elle sitting alone and confused in the classroom.


𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 // George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now