𝟑𝟔. 𝐩𝐞𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐞𝐝

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Elle did not have any dreams related to the chamber of secrets or the current happening at Hogwarts, in fact she barely had any dreams at all. She had that recurring dream of Sirius and Theodore in Askaban after Christmas but since then her mind seemed against torturing her which she was entirely grateful for.

However although this was a great relief to Elle, things at the Wizarding school just kept getting weirder. The term wore on and all the brunette wanted to do was study for the end of year exams. The twins had profusely told her not to bother as the school was likely to close by April anyway, nevertheless Elle just told the twins that she'd be the one laughing when they hadn't done any work towards the tests.

Elle had decided not to attend the duelling class hosted by Lockhart mainly because she hated the man, not only was he incredibly annoying to listen to but his constant talk of his life stories had left her very behind in all her defence against the dark arts work. It was as though he knew nothing on the subject. The brunette only regretted not attending when the twins burst into the common room seeing out of breath and astonished,
"Harry can speak parstletongue" Fred gasped as he collapsed into their chair next to Elle.

"Have you two ran all the way from the great hall, and what's Parstletongue?" Elle placed her book down and sat up as the twins tried to catch their breath,
"Yes we did run and ... it's when you can talk to snakes"
"Talk to snakes? Is that rare?"
"Yes it is quite rare but the thing is that Salazar Slytherin could do it so now everyone's saying that it was Potter who opened the chamber"
"That's ridiculous, Harry would never do that"
"Yeah well we know that but, well when he was talking to the snake in the hall it looked like he was telling him to attack this Hufflepuff boy... Justin Finch Fletcly"
"Why would he do that?"
"We don't know"


The situation got worse for Harry when Justin became the next poor soul so encounter the chambers monster, he was found next to Nearly Headless Nick who also seemed to be petrified,
"How did they kill a ghost" George lay stunned on the common room sofa as the Gryffindor gang talked over the recent events,
"He's not dead you idiot" Lee sighed "he's petrified"
"Was Justin a muggle born?" Lauren enquired while she filed her nails casually,
"Yes he was which basically confirms suspicions about the enemies of the heir"
"That's awful" Katie sighed "I hope they find who's responsible soon"
"Or what's responsible"

Turns out they definitely did not, McGonagall had pretty much made it clear that she suspected the school would have to close for the first time in history, the students lives couldn't be out at risk and that had to be a priority. Elle had finally listened to the twins advice to not study but cursed the fact that this was the second year in a row that she hadn't been able to take exams. This wouldn't have been a huge issue, however considering the group would be entering their fifth year soon and taking their OWL's, Elle definitely wished she could have some practice.

𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 // George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now