𝟕𝟒. 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐭𝐚𝐬𝐤

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The loud band music blared out over the crowd. It was cheery to listen to as people cheered and called for the champion they were supporting. They were seated in a small stadium outside an incredibly large maze which the champions were going to have to work their way through in order to find the triwizard cup.

Elle sat next to George after the twins had finished collecting in their bets. Elle had bet on Cedric's win as she was still supporting her Hufflepuff friend. She had seen Cedric only briefly before he had to go prepare for the task. He had hastily given her a hug as she wished him good luck.

Thankfully it was a warm day as a Elle expected they were going to be out here for a while. Just like the previous task, the audience wouldn't be able to see anything that actually happened in the maze so unless someone sent up red sparks, they would have no idea what was happening.

Elle danced her knees up and down nervously as she watched the champions walk out into the centre of the stadium before the maze. They were accompanied by their head teachers who were giving them a few supportive last words.

Cheers erupted for each name as they were called out. Cedric received the loudest cheer (seeing as the crowd was made up of mostly Hogwarts students) Fleur however received a more feeble cheer which could be to the with the fact she hadn't been doing too well so far.


The music slowed to a halt as Dumbledore began to speak. He talked dramatically about the trial and how it would test the champions in many ways. Elle grew nervous for Cedric as she saw his face growing pale.

Dumbledore continued on to announce the order in which the champions would enter (that order being Cedric, Harry, Krum then Fleur). The two Hogwarts champions took their place in front of two entrances into the maze.

The cannon erupted (before it was supposed to) and the boys walked shakily into the maze. The hedging closed behind them causing many of the crowd to gasp in astonishment. Elle wasn't that surprised, it was magic after all.

Next the two other champions took their place and soon they too had made it into the maze. As the hedging closed it didn't even look like a maze at all more just a block of bush.

"Guess that's it for a while then" Fred sighed "good thing we bought snacks" he cheered up as he pulled out a bag brimming with honeydukes sweets.
Elle didn't know where they had found the money to buy these considering they had given all their money to Ludo Bagman while betting on the World Cup.

Nevertheless, she didn't ask as she took a box of fizzing whizbees (which were her favourite) and popped one into her mouth.
"I wish they would do tasks where we could actually see what was going on" Alicia sighed "or at least provide some commentary".

Everyone agreed as they continued to stare blankly at the maze as though expecting it to jump up and start to dance.
The entire stadium seemed quite bored, even the music had stopped as eyes jumped between the maze and the teachers who were more on edge.

𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 // George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now