𝟏𝟑𝟐. 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠

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Panic ensnared immediately, screaming voices, the pop of people disapperating. The protective boundaries on the burrow were broken. They were coming. That's what Kingsley had said, they are coming.
Elle looked frantically to the twins who were rooted on the spot.
More pops floated around but this time people were apperating inside the tent. Dark masked figures.

Some were death eaters, others ministry members. Elle saw Remus and Athena duelling with two of them already. George pulled Elle down to the ground as a spell whizzed over their heads, smashing one of the lanterns floating behind them.
"STUPIFY" Elle yelled and a blast of red light hit the death after in the chest, he fell backwards.

"Protego" Fred called as he hit one of their spells out of the way.
Elle noticed that Harry, Ron and Hermione had gone. She hit back another spell and started duelling with a large death eater, blocking all his spells as she tried desperately to stun him.
"Patrificus totalus" a voice yelled and the death eater went stiff. Elle turned to see Hazel winking at her as she leapt over a table, her gold dress flying out behind her.

Lights flashed around everywhere as the fight continued. People who were running were gone by now.
"Impedimenta" Elle yelled before he got the chance.
She ducked behind a table as she saw a flash of green light, the table blew up knocking her back but she was unarmed.

The twins had gone off somewhere to duel or help their family. Elle stood beside Verity and Lee, hitting away curses and trying to diminish the number of death eaters they were opposing.
"Another green light flashed and all three of them ducked in unison before sending off three stunning spells at once and blowing another death eater back about a hundred paces.

Some of them had taken to standing on table to hit curses from above. Elle saw to her dismay that one of them had Layla in a cruciartus curse. She leapt forward to help but the man had already been stopped by Bill who rushed to his wife's rescue.
Athena and Remus were back to back duelling with such force that their wands were a blur and jets of light were flying rapidly and bouncing off one another.

Another death eater flicked his wand towards the group and Elle stared in surprise as a wave of purple light shaped like a flame struck Verity across the chest. She crumpled immediately to be caught by Lee.
"What the hell" he called as Elle turned back to the death eater. She tried to hit him with a stunning spell but he easily deflected it.
"Protego" she cried as he started shooting spells at her like crazy "Protego" she yelled again.

She couldn't keep up with this death eater, he was obviously more skilled than Elle. All she could do was deflect the spells he was shooting at her, she had no chance of shouting her own. Panic spread through her as he continued to get faster. Jets of light spurted towards her. She ducked as a flash of green light flew from another direction.

A jet of white light hit Elle and her wand flew out of her hand into into the head of her dueller. This was it. She had no defence and no one around seemed to have notice that she needed help.
"Avada-" the man began but before he couldn't finish something black sped through the air and hit him so hard on the side of the head that her nearly flew across the room.

𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 // George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now