𝟑𝟖. 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐡 𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫

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Elle couldn't believe that the year had ended, she thought that third year had gone fast for her but this one had flown by even more. However she was happy to say that her end of year exams had gone perfectly setting her up well for the next year. She wasn't overly fond of the idea about going home to her parents because firstly she still wasn't over the fact that they had lied to her again and secondly she worried how they would take the news about the chamber of secrets fiasco. She knew that her uncle was aware of the situation, he'd wrote to her asking if she was ok and also highlighting that he'd informed Heather and Samson of the trouble.

The brunette had also warned the twins that because of this, they may never see her again. She prayed that she was only being over dramatic but her parents were often unpredictable so she was unsure whether they would freak out way too much to let her back or not. The day before the end of term, Elle found herself lying out by the lake in the sun with Dan and Kaylee. She hadn't seen the two of them in a while as the Slytherins had been locked down in the dungeons (considering this was where there common room was located). They mainly lay in silence with their eyes shut listening to the sound of the water moving lightly with the wind.

"My parents are going to kill me when I get home" Dan huffed "I'm already the least favourite child" this was an unfortunately true fact. Dan had two other siblings (Joe and Ruby) who were both Gryffindor's just like their parents. Being the only Slytherin hadn't been easy for Dan and him failing his end of year exams would only make this work,
"Maybe this summer isn't the best time to mention your new boyfriend the Dan" Kaylee smirked and Elle couldn't help but sit up in surprise.

"Boyfriend?" She gasped and Dan just smiled smugly,
"Yes, my parents don't even know I like boys yet so no this summer would not be a good one for that" Elle settled back into the grass cheerfully,
"Do I know him?" Elle looked over to the brunette boy who shrugged,
"He's in the year below... Slytherin"
"I kept making jokes about the age difference but Dan wouldn't take it" Kaylee giggled,
"That's because there's actually only four months difference... I'm born in June and he's born in September" he explained,
"It was still funny" Kaylee sighed.

"So what's his name?" Elle gazed curiosity and saw a smile appear on Dan's face,
"If I tell you, you can't tell anyone because it's a secret and I mean secret I wasn't even supposed to tell Kay"
"I won't tell a soul I promise"
"His name is Blaise Zabini" Dan admitted, "he's even more closeted that me so no one else can know"
"Your secrets safe with me" Elle smiled.
The trio faded into silence again before Kaylee spoke up. She was quite talkative and didn't appreciate staying silent for long unlike Dan and Elle.

"What's the deal with you and the Weasley twins I swear you're always together"
"Yeah they're my friends" Elle grinned "there is no deal"
"Whatever you say" Kaylee smirked and Elle rolled her eyes knowing that everyone seemed to want to insinuate something about the twins. Eventually Elle had to say goodbye to the Slytherins knowing that she'd promised to take part in the Gryffindor celebration the twins were hosting in the common room. With end of year sprits high there seemed no better time, especially as they'd missed their regular birthday party.
"Enjoy your summer" she called to both of the, as she strolled across the grass leaving the pair lying relaxed in the sunlight.

𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 // George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now