𝟐𝟗. 𝐚 𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞

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The twins morning had been hectic to say the least, they had been running extremely late due to members of the family continually forgetting things. Harry Potter has stayed with them over summer as his aunt and uncle had taken to locking him in his room. Ron and the twins had helped out by stealing their dads flying car to rescue Harry.

Their parents were still heavily annoyed by this ,mainly their mother, and also blamed the twins since when it came to trouble those two were regularly involved. This year also welcomed Ginny to Hogwarts and she was incredibly excited. The twins had to endure her constant questions about the school their entire time off.

Eventually they had made it to the station and were practically running through it in order to get there on time. The twins ran through the barrier first mainly so they could get away from their hassled parents and enquiring sister. When they arrived on the platform every one was already on the train.

"Come on George we're not going to make it at this rate"
"We still have two minutes" George huffed as they jumped on the train and discarded their bags.
"We should find Elle" George continued as the two began walking down the corridor.


Suddenly two familiar dark haired girls began walking towards them. Alicia and Angelina.
"Have you two seen Elle, we've been looking everywhere" they frowned,
"We just got here" Fred shrugged,
"Well she's not on the train we've looked everywhere" Angelina sighed.

The twins followed the girls into their compartment and sat down,
"She's probably just late" Alicia sighed as she looked out into the platform expectantly.
"It's Elle she's probably still asleep" Fred snorted causing the two girls to give him an angered glance.

The train ride was unbearably slow for the twins as they had to endure the two girls talk tirelessly about their summer holiday. It wasn't as though the two didn't care about the things they'd gotten up to but they had been anticipating one of their entertaining conversations with Elle and were overly disappointed.

By the time the two girls had finished with their story the four of them didn't see much point in looking for Elle as the train wasn't too far away,
"If she wanted to find us she would have done" Angelina sighed,
"Yeah she's probably with her other friends" Alicia shrugged seeming slightly jealous.

However as the group looked around on the platform they couldn't see her anywhere and the panic began to settle in ,mainly for the girls. The twins didn't seem that bothered as they were sure Elle would be fine after all it wasn't as though she couldn't take care of herself.


Fred, George, Angelina and Alicia jumped into a carriage sitting in silence while twisting around in an attempt to spot the brunette. No sign,
"It'll be fine, there's no way we'll miss her at the feast" Alicia grinned,
"Yeah then we can tell her all about our summer" Angelina beamed causing the twins to roll their eyes.

They poured into the great hall with the rest of the students and found a seat next to Katie, Lauren and Lee who were ready comfortably sitting.
"There you guys are" Lauren smiled "wait til you hear about our holiday"
"No" Fred shook his head "no more holiday talk we've had enough" Katie huffed as they all took a seat.

"Where's Elle" Lee frowned noticing the absence of the eighth member of their group,
"We were going to ask you that" Angelina sighed "none of us have seen her"
"Oh well she'll probably be here soon" Katie grinned "isn't your sister getting sorted?" The twins nodded.

As the last of the people ebbed into the hall the group began to assume that Elle wasn't going to make it. Half of the, believed she was just late while the other half worried that her parents had forbidden her return as they weren't keen on her going in the first place. Their thoughts were interrupted by the sorting ceremony.


The twins had to sit through every child as Ginny was last. As the red head sat on the chair the hat took barely any time with placing the girl into Gryffindor,
"YES" the twins jumped up and clapped enthusiastically as Ginny blushed while walking towards the table.

The feast commenced and the group ate happily as though they hadn't eaten in days,
"I'm not going to be able to move after this" Lee groaned. The group followed Percy up to their common room listening to the excited chatter around them about the new semester.

The common room felt the same as ever and was a relief to step into. Fred and George immediately collapsed down onto their favourite sofa but were surprised to notice Alicia sprinting up into her dorm straight away,
"Someone's eager" George frowned. A couple of minutes later the girl came rushing back down,
"Elle's bags are all up there"

"Well that doesn't make any sense... why are her bags here when she's not" Lauren enquired,
"Maybe she fell off the train" Angelina gasped,
"She didn't fall off the train" Lee rolled his eyes "maybe she's pulling a prank on us... you two have definitely worn off on her"
"This would be a pretty good prank" George shrugged.

The night wore on but as there was still no sign of Elle the group began to wonder about the worse case scenarios,
"Maybe she was captured" Alicia muttered,
"By who?"
"I don't know I'm just suggesting things"

"Personally I think my train theory was a good one"
"There is no way she fell off the train, how would that even work?"
The chatter went until the sunset and the kids decided it was best for them to get a good nights sleep before lessons started the next day.

"We'll wake up tomorrow and she'll be in bed" Katie assured everyone. They all retired to their dorms and fell asleep peacefully.
That was except George. He had kept a calm outer face just like his brother but now the night had settled in on them he found himself just as nervous as the others had been.

He wondered where on earth she could be, it wasn't like her to just disappear without good reason.
Sleep wouldn't gift George so he ended up retreating back down onto the darkened common room, he took a seat in the shadows and began thinking to himself.

Just as he did that he noticed the doorway to the common room open up and someone stepped in holding a large bottle of pumpkin juice, George's eyes widened in surprise as he saw that it was Elle. He kept quiet and watched curiously as Elle collapsed onto the sofa.

Now he had even more questions about where she had been, if this was a prank she was certainly drawing it out. She obviously hadn't noticed his presence and he knew the longer he left it the more creepy it would be when he finally spoke up.

"Nice of you to finally show up"


𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 // George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now