𝟏𝟐𝟐. 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐰

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Life wasn't easy but it was getting better. Elle couldn't imagine a world without her parents but now she'd just been forced into once without any warning.
If she didn't have so many amazing people surrounding her then she probably wouldn't have managed it. However as I've said before, life with the twins could make anyone happy.

They'd taken in Sunny officially as the mascot for the shop. Sunny loved it. He would sit wearing a colourful purple and orange bow tie in a raised chair behind the til. Elle would laugh every time she saw him sitting there.
It seems her dog had also become Fred's best friend. The elder twin loved the dog and could often be found playing fetch with him up in the apartment.

For students it was now considered the Easter holidays and as usual Molly had invited Elle, the twins and now Sunny round for dinner. Molly didn't mind having a dog in the house in fact she quite enjoyed it. Especially as Sunny was so well trained.
Molly invited a lot of people round for Easter meaning the table was pretty much packed (Elle presumed there might have been a stretching charm used on it as it was bigger that ever).

Molly, Arthur, Bill, Layla, Fred, George, Elle, Ron, Harry, Hermione, Ginny, Remus, Athena and Tonks had all managed to squeeze around it and were talking happily.
Elle had always thought of the Weasley's as her own family but now her parents were no longer with her, she thought it even more.

She'd never felt more at home in the burrow than she did that night.
Molly was just finished serving the food when there was a knock on the door.
"I thought everyone was here?" Arthur frowned,
"So did I" said Molly "well I did invite... but I didn't think..."

Without saying another word she walked over to the door and opened it. Behind the door silhouetted by the setting sun stood Kennedy Vulpes.
Elle hadn't seen her in a while, she rarely turned up for the order meetings any more. Her hair was longer now but pulled back away from her face lazily. She had purple shadows under her eyes and looked a lot paler.
Elle also noticed there were fresh scratches over her face and neck patterned with blossoming bruises. But that wasn't odd for a werewolf.

"Kennedy dear, I didn't think you'd come" Molly beamed. Mrs Weasley has never liked Kennedy that much, she was reckless and often childish. However most of all she was quite intimidating.
"I can leave" Kennedy muttered,
"No no of course not" Molly continued smiling "come in come in"

Kennedy followed. She was dressed in a large leather overcoat and heavy boots speckled with mud and what looked like dried blood.
Everyone had gone quiet as Kennedy took a seat next to Remus, that Molly had whipped out of nowhere. She was friends with Remus and seemed to relax more with his presence.

Dinner went on as normal and luckily Kennedy didn't ruin the mood. In fact she actually laughed at a few of the twins jokes and at some point Elle was sure she saw her smile. A genuine smile.
As the night wore on, the group moved into the living room which was slightly bigger than the kitchen. They all sat around drinking butter beer and fire whiskey and talking as though the world outside didn't exist.

𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 // George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now