𝟏. 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠

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The sky was a dark velvet blue as Elle stared out of the small circular window gazing admirably at the twinkling stars as she wished she was anywhere but here.

Where is here you might ask? Here is London 1991. It was August, usually this meant that kids would be busy buying their school supplies and talking to their friends excitedly (or regretfully) about their timetables.

However unlike these 'lucky' kids, Elle didn't go to school she stayed at home. Of course when growing up this had been seen as a reward for Elle, being homeschooled by her parents had been called a treat and schools had been described as awfully scary places that Elle shouldn't think about.

As she had no distractions, and nothing better to do than study, she'd grown into a bright teenager.

Her thirteenth birthday had been on April 15th 1991 meaning that this year she'd be starting her third year of Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry... not that she knew what this was.

Her parents were normal, to an extent, they knew about the wizarding world but never cared to share this with their daughter out of fear that she might get hurt. Basically they were way too overprotective.

Elle's father was a squib and because of this he hated magic he saw it as something unnatural and poisonous, his brother however was a wizard (and a great wizard at that). You may have heard of him, Remus Lupin. Yes Lupin.

Elle had never met Remus nor did she know of his existence, but he knew about her and he had spent all thirteen years of her life so far trying to convince her parents to tell her the truth. He was so far unsuccessful.

Samson Lupin believed he had been labelled a disappointment by his parents but his brother had never given up on him nor would he ever. The brothers didn't see eye to eye, bitter memories and petty squabbles lingered from their childhood and growing up hadn't brought much change.

Elle's mother (Heather Lupin) was a muggle, she'd lived a completely normal life, she had been above average in school, had a steady job in a bookstore while studying at Cambridge and had met Samson at a Queen concert in 1975.

After that she fell madly in love. Samson loved Heather so much that he knew for the sake of their future he had to be honest with her.

Of course Heather was shocked but she accepted Samson's past because he promised it wouldn't affect their future, and so far it hadn't.

Elle had never suspected that anything was beyond ordinary in the Lupin household because she'd never been given any reason to think that.

On her eleventh birthday she'd been sent a letter like any other special child in England but her parents had hid this from her, unlike Harry Potter there was no great importance of enlisting Elle into Hogwarts meaning that they only ever sent her one letter.

𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 // George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now