𝟓𝟕. 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐲𝐮𝐥𝐞 𝐛𝐚𝐥𝐥

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The look on George Weasley's face as he saw Elle walk down the stairs into the common room was priceless. His jaw dropped and his eyes went clouded as she walked towards him with a beaming smile plastered on her face.

"You look absolutely incredible" George muttered, luckily everyone around them was too busy chattering about the ball to hear him. That was except for Elle of course who just blushed at the words.

"You don't look too bad yourself" she shrugged happily.

"We need to get going" Lauren clapped her hands loudly causing everyone to roll their eyes in her direction. Fred had linked hands with Angelina and seemed to be smiling proudly to himself.

George wished now more than ever that he had managed to confide in his brother about his feelings for Elle before now. He wished that he could proudly hold Elle's hand and that everyone around them would be happy that the two had finally got together.

The group headed out of the common room and began walking down to the great hall. Elle was trying as hard as she could to not trip over her heels and kept having to balance herself in her dates arm as they went along.

George had noticed she wasn't as steady as usual. Without thinking he grabbed her hand and intertwined their fingers to keep her upright. Even if anyone had noticed (which they didn't) Elle was past caring at this point as the excitement of the dance bubbled through her.


The great hall looked more ethereal than ever. It was glowing white with large Christmas trees decorated silver and blue along with an ere of festivity from the lit candles and the glittering walls.

It looked different from usual and Elle had to admit that whoever was in charge of decoration had done a splendid job.

"Lauren!" A voice called from the groups left and they all turned to see Chase standing happily with his Hufflepuff friends including Cedric Diggory who looked slightly nervous as he held the hand of a pretty girl with dark curly hair who was wearing a gorgeous golden dress.

Lauren waved goodbye to the group as she flung her arms around Chase's neck happily. Soon the group was growing smaller as Lee walked off to join his date (who happened to be Elle's Ravenclaw friend Anna) she was dressed in a dark dress matching her makeup and looked stunning.

"Well guess we're going too" Katie and Alicia smiled. Alicia was already walking in the direction of a tall sturdy looking Durmstrang boy. He had curly dark hair and piercing blue eyes and observed Alicia with a look of affection as she approached.

Katie on the other hand was linking arms with her Ravenclaw boyfriend Owen as they walked off to join the group now forming around the dance floor.
"The champions dance first" Angelina turned. It was only the four of them left now. Fred looked down gingerly to Elle and George's intertwined hands but he didn't say anything.

𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 // George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now