𝟑𝟑. 𝐝𝐫𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭

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When the two of them eventually walked back to the common room, George kept his arm over Elle protectively. He wanted her to know that he didn't hate her and he wished he could convey to her that nothing about her brother could be blamed on her. She had nothing to do with him yet she understood why this must be hard.

The next few weeks went a lot better for Elle than she'd expected, she had decided not to tell anyone else about what had happened over the summer but confiding in George had taken a weight off her shoulders. Lessons continued as usual and the brunette found herself able to concentrate in lessons now she knew her friends weren't going to turn against her.

Rekindling the close bond she'd had with Alicia wasn't the easiest thing in the world however, both girls seemed quite distant and Elle found herself wanting to hang around with the twins rather than spend time with the other girls. She wasn't sure what had happened over the summer but Alicia had become more like them which could be seen through her joining in their gossips about boys rather than rolling her eyes and caring more about the way she looked.

Alicia just said she was growing up but Elle didn't see it that way, out of all the girls Elle had always felt she bonded with Alicia the most but now it wasn't working and the relationship felt forced which was difficult for Elle to comprehend. From the gossip she overheard it sounded as though Lauren had reconciled with her boyfriend Chase through sending each other gifts while Katie was talking a lot to a boy in Ravenclaw.

"Elle if you had to date someone in this school who would it be?" Lauren looked up from the floor where the other four girls where sitting. The brunette was sitting on her bed reading lord of the rings for the tenth time trying not to join into the conversation however this obviously wasn't working,
"Dumbledore" Elle smirked sarcastically causing Lauren to roll her eyes,
"Seriously Elle we all did it"

"Who did you say?" Elle muttered trying to sound interested,
"Well I said Chase obviously, Katie said Owen you know the boy from Ravenclaw, Angelina said Fred and Alicia said George" Elle looked up at Ally who had blushed slightly at the mention of their names,
"How cute would that be if you two dated Fred and George" Katie giggled excitedly "you know because you're best friends and all"

Elle wasn't jealous. Of course she wasn't because that would be ridiculous Alicia was aloud to like anyone she wanted.
"Yeah would be cute" Elle smiled, however this came out sounding more sour than she'd intended and the room fell quiet for a moment,
"So what about you Elle" Lauren pressed on,
"I already told you" the brunette hid her face behind the book hoping they would just leave her alone,
"Fine whatever but we all saw you and George sneak off the other week"

Elle's heart was pounding at this point as she lowered the book slowly and noticed Alicia was looking at the floor rather than at her. She was overcome by the same feeling of panic that she had felt when her and George had been in the common room because she knew that she couldn't tell the truth of what had happened that day,
"That was nothing" Elle blurted nervously but Lauren just raised her eyebrows,
"So you would care if Alicia and George went out together" she continued, Elle had never wanted to punch Lauren more than she did in this moment,
"No of course I wouldn't" Elle lied.

𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 // George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now