𝟕𝟔. 𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧

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Elle started blankly at her bedroom ceiling like she had done so many times previously. She'd ran up to her room after only saying a few words to her family during the car ride back to the house. They were currently downstairs and Elle could tell by the tone of their voices that it was her they were discussing.

The last thing that Elle wanted to do was completely shut them out, they were her parents after all. She didn't want to shut anyone out however in this moment she couldn't bring herself to hold a conversation with anyone. Elle was still dealing with the shock and grief of recent events and being at home rather than at Hogwarts (surrounded by her friends who could always make her laugh) wasn't helping.

Summer holidays for students at Hogwarts we're approximately two months. This summer was supposed to be more exciting for Elle as she was now of age which meant she could perform magic at home without being kicked out of Hogwarts. Because of this she hadn't left her wand in the top draw of her desk and instead had it tucked lazily up her sleeve. Her parents would undoubtedly freak out when she would first perform magic in front of them however she hoped they would soon get used to it.

Elle had hoped that this summer she'd get to spend time with George however that now seemed unlikely. If Elle's parents were becoming aware of the dangers the magic world possessed. They would likely become even more protective over her than they usually would be which was saying something.


There was a soft knock on her door and Elle sat up immediately not expecting to be cornered so early in the evening. She had expected one of her parents to enter the room however instead she was greeted by her uncle. She was glad of this as unlike her parents, Remus was from the magical world meaning that he understood Elle was safer than her parents believed.

"How are you doing?" Remus smiled sympathetically, Elle just shrugged lightly not knowing how to accumulate her feelings into words,
"Stupid question I know, you must be feeling horrible" he sighed sadly taking a seat next to her on the bed.
"When I heard I knew it must have been a shock, did you know Cedric well?"

Elle just nodded while blinking hard in attempts not try cry, silence fell for a miner before Elle decided she couldn't be quiet forever,
"He was my friend" she sniffed "he was an amazing person he didn't deserve.." Elle places her hand over her mouth to stifle a cry.

Lupin put his arm around Elle gently as she suppressed sobs and tried to regain control of her breathing,
"I saw it in a dream" she muttered, wiping her eyes with her sleeves, Lupin looked at her in shock,
"I didn't realise what was happening in it" she explained "otherwise I would have forced Dumbledore to cancel the task"
"Yes I imagine he would have done if he had reason to" Lupin pondered "what exactly did you see"

Elle wasn't sure how many times she had thought over the dream she'd had however every time she did it seemed the images would become clearer. She described the details of the dream to Lupin while he sat in deep thoughtful as though trying to decode the dream.
"People praise over the gift you have Elle but they never realise how much of a burden it can actually be".

𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 // George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now