𝟐𝟓. 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐥𝐢𝐞

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I would love to sit here and write a lovely detailed description about how exciting and amazing Elle's summer holiday was but I probably wouldn't get that far. Truthfully it was boring. Very boring. She spent a lot of the time studying or reading muggle books (which she enjoyed) however doing this and only this for two months got dull very quickly. Movies kept her un bored for a week but the other seven were a mystery.

She got on well with her parents despite them being even more boring than she was, she'd occasionally go out shopping with her mam or do the newspaper crossword with her dad. Her summer had a few highlights such as her uncle coming to visit.

She was highly appreciative of Remus as if it had not been for him she would never have gotten into Hogwarts, it had been about a year since she had seen him so she was thrilled when he came to stay for a week.

To Elle's surprise, her parents were warming up to the idea of Remus being part of the family. Originally they were against this since he used magic but now their daughter did, they no longer had an excuse.

Elle enjoyed watching the two brothers rekindle a lost relationship they shared when they were young and she hoped that it would always be like this. It would definitely make her life more entertaining.

One thing about Remus was that he always brought chocolate with him as a gift to Elle, the man seemed to always be carrying chocolate and it was definitely his favourite food.

Elle enjoyed trying the different type of wizard chocolate he brought as they didn't sell them all in Honeydukes meaning that a lot of it was new and exciting to her.

However apart from Lupin's visit Elle's summer was very boring, as I'd mentioned.


It was towards the end of the summer when something remotely interesting happened. Exactly a week before Elle went back to Hogwarts (which she was very excited about) her parents sat her down and told her that they needed to talk.

"What's wrong" Elle muttered as her parents sat across the table from her, they'd never done this even if she was in huge trouble or when her fish died. No time in her life had Heather and Samson ever felt the need to get all serious and sit with their hands clasped looking at her sympathetically.

Her first thought was that they were going to tell her that she couldn't go back to Hogwarts and she'd have to go back to living her old boring home schooled life where she'd never be able to see her friends again.

Her heart was being rapidly as that was her biggest fear, losing everything that had made her life so much better.

Her parents didn't say anything for a few seconds they just looked as though they were struggling for the right words to say.

Elle waited patiently but the stress was getting too much for her,
"If you're going to tell me I can't go back to Hogwarts then just say it" she snapped and heathers eyes opened in surprise,

"No honey that's not it at all" she smiled "of course you can go back to Hogwarts"

Elle relaxed considerably in the chair and began to feel curious of what else they could have to say.

Samson took a deep breath looking to Heather for support who squeezed his hand encouragingly,
"When we were younger...me and your mother were a bit reckless childish and we didn't know what we were doing"

"We were happy we found each other and for a while everything was perfect until... well until we were nineteen... four years before we had you"

"We may have been adults but we definitely still felt young and like our whole lives were a head of us... thing changed when we had you because I'd gotten a job and we'd settled into a house... this house"

"However when we were nineteen we had none of that, your mother was still studying in uni and I lived in a run down flat above a fish and chip shop... it wasn't practical"

"Your mother well... she got pregnant"

Samson stopped talking for a moment and looked to Elle who was sitting quietly taking in every word they were saying confused to why they looked so nervous,
"If you're about to tell me you got an abortion I'm not going to hate you... I understand you weren't ready to be parents"

"I didn't get an abortion" Heather half whispered.

Elle furrowed her brow in confusion for a moment her eyes darting between her mam and dad waiting for one of them to crack a smile and show this was all a prank.

"You gave birth... so ...where's the baby... I'm not an only child?" Elle stuttered, heather shook her head looking on the verge of tears.

"We gave.. we gave him up for adoption as soon as he was born... we thought it would be best"

"I have a brother"


"You never told me... you knew how much I wanted a sibling all my life and you never mentioned there was a brother out there for me"

Elle felt herself overcome by rage as she saw her parents staring guiltily at her, she didn't want to believe what she was hearing. It wasn't as though she was surprised, her parents had already lied to her Elle's entire life... this was just the cherry on top.

"We weren't allowed to get in contact or try and find him... we signed a contract... it said that we couldn't.. he couldn't find us either even if he wanted to which I doubt he did"

"Why are you telling me this now" Elle snapped "why not when I was younger maybe then I would have been able to understand more"

"We didn't want to tell you and we're sorry about that... but the reason we're telling you now is because... well we know where he is" heather muttered looking at the floor.

"Well where is he... can I meet him... what's he called" Elle spurted our questions as quick as she could,

"We didn't name him... he didn't even take our surname it was generated so even if we met him... we would never know"

"So how do you know where he is?"

"Your brother is magic... he must have been found by Hogwarts and accepted"

"he went to Hogwarts" Elle beamed excitedly,

"He did yes... we only found out this the other week but... someone performed what's known as a tracing charm on him I don't know if you've heard of it" Elle nodded vigorously,

"Yes I read about it in my charms text book it tells someone where they come from"

"Yes and who they come from" Samson muttered "since we gave birth to him in a muggle way there was no prevention against spells and magic to stop him from finding us"

"So he found you"

"Not exactly it's ... complicated" heather sniffed "that's why Remus came... the ministry got in contact with him to notify him that we'd been identified as our sons parents"

"The ministry are involved... why?"

"Elle I don't know how to say this" Samson muttered,

"What?" Elle began to regain her nervousness as she stared at her parents,

"Your brother isn't a good man... he's in Askaban"

Elle froze staring at them in disbelief only one question running through her mind,
"What's his name?"

Samson and Heather stared at her sympathetically before answering.

"His name is Theodore Sanders"


𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 // George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now