𝟒𝟑. 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐬𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐞

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It was safe to say that with Elle's vivid thoughts, she didn't get much of a good nights sleep. Especially with everyone crowded in the same room. She hadn't been aware that so many Gryffindor's snored or even talked loudly in their sleep. She couldn't help but feel bad that everyone had had to hear them muttering about exams or in one boys case his fear of Professor Snape.

Speaking of the unkind potions Professor, Elle had the pleasure of having him first but not for the lesson you'd expect. The brunette was siting in between the twins waiting for her uncle to come teach defence against the dark arts as usual. However instead the doors blew open to reveal the bat like teacher standing there. He strode importantly into the room with his black robes billowing behind him.

"Where's Lupin" the general whisper of students floated around which Snape chose to ignore. Elle couldn't help but start to feel worried over her uncle, he hadn't been at the dinner yesterday and she'd suspected he must be ill however it was odd for him to be missing teaching over it. Snape snapped down the board at the front showing a projected image of werewolves.

"Today as revision for your exams you will be reading back over the creatures known as the werewolves so turn to page 394" while saying this, Elle noticed that the teacher was staring directly at her which unnerved her slightly. The trio opened their books to the right page and began reading, Elle felt herself drifting away to her thoughts knowing that she'd already covered this subject numerous times in preparation. She wondered why Snape felt so certain that this was the topic they should revise, it wasn't exactly the most difficult and it definitely wasn't in line with what they had been learning with Remus.

The lesson took ages to end and Elle was annoyed that her only good lesson of the day had been ruined by Snape. She walked silently back to the common room while the twins made continuous fun of the potions Professor like they usually did. The brunette collapsed back into the sofa by the fire when they arrived. The fat ladies portrait had been replaced for now by the portrait of Sir Cadogan who was determined to be as much of an annoyance as possible.

Elle now regretted complaining so much about The fat lady as she wasn't as half as bad as this portrait. Sir Cadogan seemed to enjoy changing the password everyday if he could meaning it took way longer than usual to get into the room. Usually students would have to hope that someone would be coming out of the room as they were approaching but often this was not the case.


"What's wrong with you" Fred muttered as the two red heads sat opposite Elle,
"Nothing" she murmured not paying them much attention as she stared at the flickering light of the fire,
"You're a bad liar Elle" George continued which broke Elle out of her trance, she looked to see if anyone was around them before talking in a low whisper,
"I think I know how they escaped"
"Who escaped" Elle rolled her eyes at the comment as she waited for them to realise what she was talking about.

𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 // George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now