𝟏𝟒𝟔. 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞

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The group thundered down to the great hall, George gripped Elle's hand like a lifeline as they ran. All of the Hogwarts students were crowded in the great hall looking scared and anxious.
It seemed all the teachers were there except for Snape and the Carrows. Elle stayed close to her group of friends as her eyes darted over the hall.

The great hall was darker now than it had used to be, the familiar coloured drapes were gone and with them was their air of nostalgia and warmth.
"We need to evacuate the students" Professor McGonagall called "if any student over the age of seventeen wishes to fight then they may stay and do so"

"We have put protective barriers around the school but we are unsure how long these will last, they are coming and it is inevitable that we will need to fight"
The words sent shivers over Elle's body as she saw many students gasp, a few of the younger ones burst into tears,
"You will be evacuated through the room of requirement and out of the hogs head pub"

"What about our things?" A Ravenclaw girl yelled from her table,
"There will be no time to collect possessions, Voldemort is on his way here now". Evacuation started with the Slytherin table, few students remained as many scuttled after Professor Slughorn. More Ravenclaw students stayed, even more Hufflepuff and it seemed the majority of Gryffindor students were intent not to leave.

"We need to hold the death eaters off for as long as we can" McGonagall called and Elle saw Harry race out of the room.
"We may lose some tonight" she continued "but we must do our best to protect the school"
The idea that Elle could lose someone tonight ripped her heart and she blinked back tears remembering she was a Gryffindor for a reason, she had to be brave.

"We will need people stationed at the two secret entrances to the school that are not sealed off"
"That sounds like a job for us" Called Fred. George nodded in agreement. The group raced off. Lee, Fred and Verity headed one way while George and Elle headed the other.
"Which entrance are we going to?" She asked as they hurried along a corridor.

"The one into honey dukes" George explained as they skidded to a halt outside a statue. Elle heard more footsteps and turned to see Alicia and Angelina running to join them,
"Thought you could use a hand" Alicia smiled.
"Yeah that would be good" laughed Elle.

They waited a while, wands our at the ready as they listened to the calls and shouts they could head over the school.
It had started.
Screams could be heard as well as thundering crashes. Before they knew it footsteps could be heard running down corridors.

Most of the figures were just students running towards the battle.
The group of four remained with their wands pointing at the statue waiting for it to inevitably open.
The statues began to slide and all four of them began blasting spells into the tunnel.
They must of hit one with a stunning spell as when he fell back he knocked over some others who yelled in annoyance.

Death eaters jumped out of the secret passage and started shooting spells of their own. The four of them made sure to dodge the flashes of green as they retaliated with stunning spells.
Elle concentrated hard as non verbal magic was a bit more difficult than speaking spells. She blocked a spell heading at George and stunned another one of the figures who fell back into the passage way where he had came from.

Soon it was only two against four. One death eater was madly sending off killing curses which narrowly missed them however as one of them narrowly missed Angelina's head Alicia raged in fury and shot such a powerful blast at the death eater that he flew back over one of the staircases and plummeted to the floor.

The last death eater put up a fight but was soon silenced by Angelina who stunned him quickly.
"Let's go" Alicia called as they started running towards the battle. George and Elle followed as fast as they could.
"You stay with them" George called, she turned to him in surprise,
"We shouldn't split up" Elle replied.

"I need to find Ginny" George responded "I'll come back for you after ok?"
Elle would much rather go with George however she understood that she needed to fight. Elle nodded.
Her rushed forward and pulled her into a quick kiss before gazing at her one last time. She watched him run for a moment before realising she had to move.

Running after the two girls, her hand clasped around the golden locket she wore, it stayed there for a while as she stunned a few death eaters while passing. She had to make sure he was ok.

As she rounded another corridor she saw Fred and Percy back into it. They were duelling two masked death eaters. At the other side of the corridor stood the golden trio looking out of breath and anxious.

Elle rushed forward to help the pair of Weasley brothers. Percy shot a spell at the one on the left causing his mask to slip, it revealed the face of the minister for magic Pius Thickness.

"Hello minister" Percy yelled loudly over the loud sounds of the ever-going battle,
"Did I mention" he continued "I'm resigning!"
"You're joking Perce" Fred laughed "you're actually joking, I haven't heard you joke since-"

An explosion blasted part of the corridor apart sending Elle flying out into the night. She hit against the floor and felt all of the air knock out of her. As she sat up and stared at the wreckage of the building above her she heard something terrible.

A loud agonising scream coming from beside her. A scream of grief.


𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 // George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now