𝟑𝟏. 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐫𝐲𝐟𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐫 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐬

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"She's still in her robes"
"Is she breathing?"
"Don't be so morbid Katie"
"Look she's waking up"

Elle awoke to the sound of voices around her and was startled to open her eyes and see the four girls peering at her curiously. They all looked the same as the last time she'd seen them, maybe slightly older if anything.
"Elle you're alive" Katie gasped receiving herself a punch in the arm from Angelina whose hair was now composed into an impressive set of long braids.
"What time is it" Elle grumbled,
"Time to get our timetables... after you tell us where you were yesterday of course" Katie spoke.

"I was here" Elle groaned as she practically rolled out of bed and observed is bad she looked in the golden mirror hung on the wall.
"In the common room?"
"Yes" Elle lied making sure not to look any of them in the eye as she pulled her hair into a ponytail to excuse the mess and pulled some out at the front hoping to distract from her darkened puffy eyes.
"No you weren't we looked for you" Lauren huffed as Elle straightened her robes casually.

"I skipped the feast because I wasn't well, I came up to the common room early but then decided I was hungry, the feast was just ending so I went down to the kitchens and lost track of time by the time I came back up it was late so I just crashed" Elle had been planning this excuse all night deciding she didn't want another encounter like the one she'd had with George. She hated lying but with enough rehearsal she thought it had done quite well.

The girls didn't have any reason to question her and seemed relieved that she was alright.
"We thought you'd fallen off the train" Angelina grimaced,
"No only you thought that Ang" Lauren yawned as she began plaiting her hair delicately.


Soon the girls were on their way to breakfast, Elle tagged along behind not joining into any of the conversations. She was happy that they didn't pass the twins on the way down as Elle didn't think she'd be able to face George after she had broken down in tears next to him.

However she knew their absence wouldn't last long especially at the Gryffindor table, Elle was on the edge of her seat waiting for them to show up. She wondered if George had told Fred what had happened. She had always presumed the two shared everything until George lied to Fred about the dreams she'd been having. After that she had no clue what they spoke to each other about.

In fact George had not told Fred a thing. He hadn't slept and when his twin woke him up in the morning he was surprised to see him already wide eyed and worry stricken. George just mumbled something about a dream and Fred didn't question it. At least now it was easier to tell them apart, George's hair was now messed up and his eyes were droopy and darkened.

George didn't mention anything about Elle as he wasn't sure how he could word it. Oh yeah I just found Elle in the common room, no she didn't tell me where she'd been she just said if she told me I'd hate her and then she started crying. It alls sounded unreal and George presumed is he told Fred his twin would have believed it to be a dream.

𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 // George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now