𝟖𝟕. 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐨𝐠𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝

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Over the next few weeks, Elle waited for the twins to land themselves into trouble with Umbridge. She had kept her decision to drop the subject and she felt a lot better because of it. Now she only had four subjects to focus on which made school life a whole lot easier. Although the twins managed to land detentions with staff members such as Filch and McGonagall, they hadn't got one with Umbridge.

Elle had told all of her friends what had happened to serve as a warning to not get on Umbridge's bad side. They'd all been completely shocked and outraged over the medieval methods of her detentions however considering none of them had got into trouble with her yet, she was assured telling them had served its purpose.

Fred and George had been taking extreme lengths in order to sell their skiving snackboxes. One evening while sitting in the common room, they had decided to do a presentation on how the puking pastilles worked. This included them projectile vomiting (with great aim) into cauldrons they were each holding. Students gathered around laughing and buying their own. It was fair to say the business was definitely going well.


It was a Friday night when Hermione Granger approached their group sitting around the fire. They all looked up at her in surprise as she sat down and smiled at them eagerly. No one ever joined their group, not because they wouldn't let them but more because everyone had their own groups to sit with.
"Hi" Lee said awkwardly to Hermione.
"Hi" she replied happily "you all take defence against the dark arts don't you?"

There was a general response of "yeah" from everyone except Elle who stated "no"
"Oh" Hermione frowned at Elle "I thought you did"
"I dropped it, couldn't deal with Umbridge being such a toad" Elle shrugged,
"Well that is a great attitude to have" Hermione beamed causing everyone to glance at each other in confusion.

Hermione was the girl you'd least expect to support the insulting of a teacher,
"If you can, meet at the hogs head in Hogsmede tomorrow at eleven" she smiled,
"Where's the hogs head?" Lauren looked up,
"In Hogsmede" Hermione reiterated.

"There's a place in Hogsmede called the hogs head?" Fred laughed "is it new?"
"No it's always been there" Hermione retorted "barely anyone goes"
"Then why are we going?" Alicia enquired,
"Because it's quiet and.. well you'll see just come" she snapped before getting up and striding away.

"Is anyone actually going to go?" Lauren muttered, she was currently paining her nails a shade of dark purple.
"Yeah" George chirped "I'm intrigued"
"Same" Elle smiled "maybe we're starting an 'I hate Umbridge club'" she suggested,
"I'd definitely join that" Angelina murmured sourly.


It was cold the next day when they walked down into the village. Elle had borrowed one of George's jumpers again (which was warmer than her own as it was so much bigger) she walked with him hand in hand as they discussed the possibilities to why Hermione wanted them to meet in the hogs head.

𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 // George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now