𝟗. 𝐭𝐫𝐲 𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐬

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The Quidditch trials had Elle plunged into complete and utter panic, when she woke up Angelina and Katie weren't there but she was immediately motivated by Alicia and Lauren... especially Alicia as Lauren didn't care too much for Quidditch. She got changed and walked down to the Great hall to have breakfast although she felt so nervous she doubted she could eat a thing.

As she slid into the seat next to Lee opposite Fred and George, they all looked up and immediately registered her deathly pale appearance.
"You ok?" Lee smirked as Elle stared at the table in dismay,
"Yes I'm obviously brilliant" she smiled sarcastically as the twins sniggered,
"Chill I was only asking" Lee laughed "you should probably eat something" Elle grabbed some toast to shut him up but continued staring at the table.

"We'll make sure you don't get hit by a bludger this time" Fred grinned, this definitely did not cheer Elle up as she reminisced on the feeling of her broken arm and the wind wailing through her ears as she fell to her death.
Elle looked up at the twins who were beginning to look just as scared as she was, she couldn't help but glance over to George's plate and notice that he was indeed eating buttered toast with a bit of cinnamon sprinkled onto it. She personally thought this combination was a tad weird but she still found it cute nevertheless.

"You'll get it" George smiled "Oliver's practically already made the decision... don't let him hear I said that" Elle found herself lightening up, it was true that she had trained with the team yesterday and proved that she could play well with them.
As well as that Oliver had mentioned the lack of competition that she had which definitely made her feel more relaxed about the whole ordeal.


Lee waved goodbye to the trios as they began to walk down to the pitch, Elle was still a bundle of nerves but with the twins telling her a constant stream of jokes as they walked, they definitely helped take her mind off things.
The pitch already had a gathering on it consisting of Oliver and Alicia along with a bundle of second years and two sixth years who were tall and lean. Elle gulped as she saw them before remembering what Alicia had said about them not being as good as they appeared.

Elle took her place next to them as Fred and George went to stand next to Alicia obviously keen to get started. Just as Oliver began to speak a voice came from behind,
"Hang on we're coming" Elle turned to see Angelina walking down in her uniform along with Katie, she wondered why Katie was down here as she never seemed particularly interested before. That's when Elle noticed that Katie was dressed in Quidditch gear just like Elle and the rest of the tryouts.

"I've decided I'm going to try out, if that's ok?" Katie beamed, Oliver looked thrilled by this and pulled Katie into a hug,
"That's brilliant Kate" Elle thought back to when Katie has described Wood as being like an older brother to her and felt her stomach drop. She smiled at Katie like nothing had happened reminding herself that anyone was open to trying for this position and she couldn't blame her for wanting a go.
However she felt that she now had slimmer chances than she had previously, this suspicion was confirmed when she looked over to Alicia and the twins who were staring at her with sympathetic expressions.

𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 // George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now