𝟏𝟐𝟑. 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠

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"It's not much but it's home"

The loss of the Burrow was hard on all of the Weasleys. They'd lived their lives there, grown up there and had amazing memories there. Although they were grateful that no one was hurt during the fire and that everyone got out, there were treasured items from within that house that could never be replaced.

Most of the Weasleys possessions were ruined in the fire, burnt to no repair. Some things could be fixed with some help of magic however many bits of clothes, of photos were gone for good and there was no salvaging that. The house itself couldn't be repaired. Molly and Arthur were sure that it could be rebuilt but it was obvious that a lot of time would be needed.

While Ron and Ginny were able to go back to Hogwarts, Bill to Egypt, Charlie to Romania, the twins to their flat, Molly and Arthur didn't have another place they could call home. For a while they stayed in the flat while Fred slept on the sofa. It was crowded but the trio would do anything for the Weasley parents.

Elle didn't mind having them stay there but life wasn't as carefree as usual. She always made sure to watch her language in front of them. When often she would swear loudly in response to something that one of the twins said, now she would just pretend she hadn't heard. However it was obvious that the twins were also toning down their messing around while their parents were there.

They decided that rather than finding a new house they would rather rebuild up their old one. The burrow had meant so much to them and not just the house itself but also the gardens and the walks around it. Elle suggested that Molly and Arthur could move in to her parents house. They had left it to her but she was perfectly contempt in the small flat above the shop.

At first Molly and Arthur said they didn't want to be insensitive, it had only been a couple of months since Elle had lost her parents and they didn't want her to rush into anything by lending them the house. However since they had opened their house to Elle so many times, been so generous and so kind, Elle was more than happy than to allow them to move in there for the time being.

Elle was glad that they like the house so much. Arthur was particularly excited considering it was a muggle house, filled with things such as a kettle and (most excitingly) plugs. The trio got daily letters from Arthur about something new he'd discovered in the house. His newest obsession being lightbulbs.


The month of may brought warmer weather which was contrasted by the feeling of anxiety towards the future. No one had seen or heard any news of Voldemort's plan or the death eaters for that matter and were therefore left constantly on edge while waiting for something to happen.

As well as that, no one had seen or heard from Kennedy. Molly was angry at the girl for provoking the death eaters however she wouldn't say this as it wasn't really Kennedy's fault. The girl hadn't realised what would happen in consequence to her rash actions.

Many presumed that Kennedy was planning on seeking revenge on Bellatrix. She would have done it the other night if Bellatrix hadn't left before she got the chance. Kennedy had always been intimidating but Elle didn't realise how scary she could actually be. She wasn't frightened by death eaters at all. Or that's what it looked like.


Order meetings were full of uncertainty and confused ideas. Elle wished that she could help provide some information to what might happen through her dreams however since studying occlumency she'd been struggling to have normal dreams nevermind having foresight dreams.

It wasn't that she was upset by this, after all her gift of seeing into the future had been a burden if anything. However sometimes she believed that seeing what was going to happen would make it easier to bear. Maybe they would have a better chance of winning if Elle could see the outcome. However as many people had told her in the past. The future isn't easily changed.

Even Snape couldn't bring much information despite pretending to be on the side of the death eaters. It seemed that Voldemort wouldn't even share his plans with the closest of his followers which deemed something important was going to happen.


Elle spent the next few weeks working in the shop as usual. It seemed better to go on as though the world was normal it almost felt sometimes that it was. With the laughing and joking around the shop and the general happy atmosphere it almost felt as though the world outside was like it had always been.

Despite the fear of Voldemort doing something dramatic, business was still going as good as ever. Since the bad weather had passed, their usual stream of customers came in throughout the days. Elle wouldn't even consider doing something else at this point, working in the shop was was too much fun.

Shifts were spent convincing customers to buy products, rearranging the shelves, cleaning up the back room, standing behind the till or just joking around with Verity and the twins. The latter being the most common. Everyday Elle was reminded of her brilliant choice when it came to picking Verity for the job of shop assistant. The blonde had fitted in perfectly.

It seemed Fred agreed as he and Veirty had been on a dozen more dates since the first. They got on like a house on fire always laughing at something or other. Every time Elle found herself alone in a room with them she would often carefully slip away to leave them to it.

One morning Elle was up eating her breakfast before anyone else when Fred's door opened and to her complete surprise, Verity walked out. Elle had nearly choked on her cereal but tried to remain calm and normal. Of course she had nothing against Verity, on the contrary she loved her. Elle had just been so excited that things were working out between her and Fred. After all Fred deserved happiness considering he gave it to so many others.


She also met up a lot with her friends. Patrick was still in hiding meaning she couldn't see him, Katie was at Hogwarts and Aurora and Elle's last meeting hadn't gone so well however she made sure to continue to see her other friends. After all she was used to seeing these people all the time. When in Hogwarts they would be around each other constantly so even seeing them once a month would be odd.

Elle most enjoyed her meet-ups with Alicia and Angelina. She'd considered them two her best friends, they were the first proper friends she made and had always been close to her. Alicia saw Elle a lot more often that Angelina did however Alicia and Elle were like sisters so it made sense.

Angelina would bring news of how her job was going while working for Puddlemere United. It sounded brilliant, it also made Elle miss playing quidditch so much. She wished that her last year at the school hadn't been ruined by Umbridge, if she had known she may have cherished quidditch more before that.

The meetings she had with Emilia and Lawrence weren't as laid back. Elle had presumed immediately that Aurora would have told them what had happened, it made sense after all they were her friends. Although Emilia and Lawrence didn't bring up the subject, Elle was sure that the environment would have been a lot more relaxed if they didn't know.

Nevertheless Elle didn't let that worry her. She had understood why Aurora had acted the way she did, sure she was annoyed about it. Not only because Elle couldn't tell Aurora the full truth but also because she was angry that Aurora felt the need to blame her in the first place. Elle told herself that the ginger hadn't been in her right mind. Hopefully that we're true.


Lol this is just another filler. There won't be that many more of these I just can't combine all this with actual chapters or they'd be too long
Ciao :)

𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 // George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now