𝟑𝟐. 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐟

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Elle's heart was beating way too fast as she found herself pressed against the wall looking up at George who's lack of sleep seemed to have left him more annoyed.
The words stung in her brain 'we need to talk' because she knew that she couldn't, she didn't want to admit anything to the twin.

"George I told you I can't tell you" Elle whispered angrily,
"I don't care this is bothering me too much, I couldn't sleep, I couldn't concentrate"
"Welcome to the club" Elle muttered sarcastically. She froze at the sound of voices and turned to see a group of third years walking down the corridor giggling.

"Come on" George mumbled grabbing her arm again and pulling her down some more corridors. Eventually they came to a small classroom that currently wasn't being used, Elle was pushed inside as the door shut behind them. She took a seat on one of the chairs and saw George take the one opposite.

He looked less angry now and more concerned like he had last night.
"Please" he whispered and Elle felt that heart melting sensation once more, she still shook her head. She'd seen the angered side to George and she certainly didn't want this to become the new normal for her. George just dropped his shoulder in defeat and looked at her sadly,
"I could never hate you Elle"

The words stung because she wished more than anything that this were true. That nothing would change when she told her friends the truth but she couldn't help but fear the alternative. Once she said those words she couldn't take it back and although she often did predict what happened this time she could not. Elle wasn't one to take risks especially not in this situations.

"You think I'm going to hate you but the alternative to not telling me is pushing us further apart" George pressed on. He was correct of course. By not telling her friends she was already losing them, maybe she should just make the experience quicker for herself.

She looked up at George who was staring at her intently,
"I won't tell anyone" he continued noticing that she was dropping her guard slightly. Elle sighed but realised she was running out of other options at this point.

"Turns out my parents have been lying to me again"
"About what"
"About the past, turns out I'm not their first child" George frowned for a moment before continuing,
"So you have a sibling"
"Yes I have a brother"

"We'll surely that's a good thing... why would I hate you for that?" He laughed but Elle's expression remained rigid as she clutched her hands together,
"He was orphaned his whole life... he came to Hogwarts"
"How old is he... my brother might have known him" George piped up excitedly,
"Yeah he was in the same year as Charlie" Elle smiled sadly.

"What house was he in?" George continued as Elle tried to think of the right way to break the news,
"Slytherin" the twin stopped for a moment before smiling again,
"Elle when me and Fred said we didn't like Slytherins we were only joking" but Elle still remained stiff,
"George my brother is Theodore Sanders"


George's smile dropped as the realisation hit him, silence fell upon the two of them and the ginger found himself unable to look up at Elle for a moment. He thought back to when Elle had mentioned that Theo was the only other person Dumbledore knew who could predict the future through dreams, that made sense to him now. He thought of his parents reading the newspaper and talking about how he had tortured innocent people for the dark lord. This made him feel sick.

"You hate me don't you" Elle broke the silence and George looked up to meet her eyes,
"No" he said hoarsely, "no because... you're not him... you've never met him, you've never known him, blood doesn't matter ok?" Elle shook her head,
"We have the same gift what if that turned him evil"
"I doubt it did... you're nothing like him"
"How would you know?" Elle cried out standing up and pushing her chair back causing it the slide across the floor.

"I could turn out just like him, it's likely"
"You weren't brought up the same" George protested "it doesn't mean anything, you can't blame yourself for what he did" George follows Elle in standing up and approached her carefully.
"But I feel like I should" she whispered "I haven't stopped feeling guilty since I found out"

George didn't know what to say as he saw the tears sliding down her face, yes this had come as a shock but he definitely didn't hate Elle, he stuck by what he had said about it not being her fault. How could it be? Yes they were related and had a similar gift but the relationship ended there. He knew Elle wasn't bad because he knew Elle. Anyone who had met her would say the same thing.

He walked over to the girl and pulled her close to him so her head was resting on his chest. This made her lose it. She began sobbing uncontrollably just like she had last night. This was a mixture of relief that someone knew and didn't hate her but it was also more of the built up anger she felt towards the whole situation.

Elle felt her legs give out and her and George moved to the floor, his arms still wrapped around him and she leant against him. He sat with his back to the wall holding her, his chin placed on her head as he tried to figure out a way to make this easier for her. Truthfully he couldn't think of one and he was always good at ideas.
"I don't hate you, I could never hate you Elle you're a good person, you can't blame yourself" he repeated trying to make her feel better,

"What he did is nothing to do with you at all" Elle just continued to sob letting all the suppressed emotions out at once,
"I'll not tell anyone but you don't have to lie about it, no one will hate you".

The brunette eventually stopped crying and looked up at him with tearful eyes,
"I'm being stupid aren't I?" George smiled sympathetically at her but shook his head,
"It must be a shock to you"
"Can I tell you something?"
"Of course you can"

"I'm not just upset because I thought everyone would hate me... I'm upset because I wanted a sibling my whole life and I'm annoyed that if my parents hadn't given him up everything would be different and I wish more than anything that he wasn't who he is, I wish he wasn't a death eater, I wish he hadn't tortured Alina's parents, I wish he was normal" she blurted out.

"I know it must be difficult" George sighed "I wish the same for you, you deserve better Elle" he still held onto her tightly as though he was protecting her,
"I'm sorry for how i was acting, I didn't mean to worry you so much"
"I'm just glad you're ok, well not ok... but I'm glad you told me"
"Me too"


𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 // George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now