𝟗𝟖. 𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐝

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After Christmas, there were a few days before term would begin again. Unfortunately there wasn't much to do around Grimmauld place except cleaning (which no one seemed keen to partake in) so the group spent a lot of the time sat around the kitchen table playing games of wizard chess or exploding snap. Elle wasn't particularly good at wizard chess especially against the Weasleys who all seemed to be professionals at it however once she had got the knack of exploding snap she'd won three games in a row.

People came and went from Grimmauld place all the time, it was headquarters after all. Frequently, Elle and the others would be kicked out of the kitchen to make room for an important meeting, they were never too thrilled about this but Molly didn't give them a chance to argue. When they weren't allowed in the kitchen, Ginny invented a game where they saw who could slide down the dusty bannisters fastest. She won every time.

Elle noticed that as the days went on, Theo began looking more and more tired. At first Elle had just believed Sirius when he claimed Theo was ill however towards the end of the holiday Elle started to feel as though there was something else going on. Every time she tried to ask him about it they would be interrupted by someone leaving and arriving and since there were so many people in the house, he was very rarely on his own.


However when Elle got up early the morning before they were due to go back to school, she found him sitting alone at the kitchen table over a mug of coffee. She assumed he hadn't slept because that was what it looked like, he had dark bags under his eyes and was looking paler than ever.
"Hey" Elle muttered as she walked tentatively into the room, he jerked his head up in surprise,
"I didn't expect anyone else to be awake" he murmured with a small smile,
"Me neither" Elle returned before pouring herself a mug of coffee and sitting down opposite him.

"Are you ok?" She asked hastily, she'd been meaning to ask this for so long but now that she actually was she worried it wasn't the right thing to say. He paused for a moment staring at her as though accumulating the right thing to tell her.
"I haven't been getting much sleep" he admitted,
"Yeah I can tell" Elle blurted, she immediately froze realising how that had sounded but he calmed her nerves by letting out a laugh.
"What's going on?" Elle continued.

"I'm not sure I'm supposed to tell you" he admitted "but seeing your of age I don't see the issue with it" he took a deep breath before starting "you know that I used to work for the death eaters (not by choice obviously) well I never directly worked for Voldemort because he wasn't around but I never doubted one day he'd find out about me"
"He knows about you?"
"Yeah well the death eaters really loved having my ability on their side, I could control it quite well I'm not sure if you can yet but often I could choose who's future I saw"
"No I can't do that" Elle pondered "sounds cool though"

"Yeah well it was, especially for the death eaters they could see exactly who were targets or who were just going to ignore them in the future"
"Wait so did you see Voldemort return?"
"Yeah" Theo admitted "I told Dumbledore as soon as me and Sirius got out of Azkaban and ... well after we knew Dumbledore's believed us I wrote to him and told him everything though I suppose he'd already guessed it"
"Dumbledore knew he was going to come back?" Elle gasped,
"I think a lot of people suspected it, Dumbledore's the smartest man I ever met so I wasn't surprised the problem was that with our ability... there's no way of telling when something might come to pass"

𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 // George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now