𝟏𝟑𝟏. 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠

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The night before Layla and Bill's wedding, Elle and the twins stayed over at the burrow in order to help Molly out with the final preparations. Elle had never seen Mrs Weasley so stressed before, her hair had grown in size as she ran around red-faced trying to get everything perfect.

Since the burrow was a lot smaller than it had been before the fire, there were a lot of people cramped into the same room. Elle had to share with Ginny and Hermione while the twins were shoved in with Charlie. Ron and Harry were in the same room whereas Bill and Layla were on their own.

Elle woke early the next morning, not because she wanted to but because Molly was banging frying pans together to wake everyone up. The brunette woke up with a banging headache and felt as though it could only be cured by another six hours sleep. However as Molly was such a good healer, that was not the case.

"Mum says we should get ready now" Ginny yawned as she walked back into the room "then we have to go help put up the marquee and the decorations and stuff"
No one complained about doing so much work, not only because they were scared of Molly but also because the appreciated the importance of this wedding for the families.

The brunette changed into her dress (which was a light purple) and styled her curls elegantly around her head. After that she went downstairs in order to help with the preparations.
She met George in the kitchen drinking a cup of tea, he was gazing cheerfully at Harry and Ginny who seemed as though they had both been kissing.

Elle smirked as they left the room in embarrassment.
"Yeah" he hummed,
"Why do you have a toothbrush in your ear?" Elle frowned.

"What ear?" He winked. Elle stared in confusion at the object protruding from the hole where his ear once was,
"Seriously though?"
"Safe keeping" he smirked as he continued fo drink his tea. Elle just laughed, she was used to this joking behaviour having known the twins for so long.

"We have to help put that tent up" Elle reminded him, he nodded before following Elle outside (removing the toothbrush before that so his mother didn't yell at him).
There was already a congregation outside over the green grass towards the back of the burrow. The large unformed shape of white lay at their feet.

"Come on you two" Arthur called as Elle and George took their positions next to Fred.
Together they began lifting the tent off the floor keeping it steady between them. By the time they had finished, the tent stayed up on its own. Inside it looked even more beautiful. The sun was shining through the light white fabric making it shine like a ice palace.

"Come on everyone we have two hours" Molly yelled as the group rolled their eyes before leaving the enlarged tent to go help.
The next to hours were completely hectic. Chairs were being set up, seating plans checked over. The twins went into the muggle village nearby and summoned some hair off a random ginger guy to use as polyjuice potion of Harry's disguise.

𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 // George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now