𝟓𝟎. 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐰𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐭𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭

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As Elle stepped off the Hogwarts express she was immediately filled with a sense of happiness, glad that she was finally home. She'd spent the train journey with the twins and Lee meaning she hadn't come across the four girls as of yet. However her focus was on the secret news that Percy and Arthur seemed to know.

Fred and George were determined to find out when they suggested that there was going to be something unusual happening at Hogwarts this year. The brunette was awfully intrigued by this but also nervous considering what happenings had occurred at Hogwarts previously.

Elle wished that her uncle was still teaching at the school this year, she was gutted that he had to leave as she beloved him to be the best defence against the dark arts teacher ever. Even if she was slightly biased. She knew for a fact that if Remus was still teaching at Hogwarts, she would have definitely taken defence against the dark arts as an Newt subject however now she wasn't so sure.

The four of them climbed into a carriage as it began pulling itself towards the castle. Lee continuously asked a surge of questions about the quidditch World Cup as he wasn't able to go himself. He started by asking about the actual game itself which the trio were happy to talk about however the conversation became slightly awkward when he switched to asking about the death eaters and the dark mark.

The castle was warmly lit as usual as Elle made her way into the great hall behind the twins. She spotted the four Gryffindor girls immediately and walked hurriedly to greet them. Before the dinner started they talked all about their summers. Lauren and Katie had been all around Europe and dished out polaroids from their robe pockets to show everyone. Angelina and Alicia had spent to whole summer together and Elle couldn't help but notice the small knowing glances that they shot each other. The trio had to go through another round of questioning about the World Cup even more exams had been brought up. Luckily they were soon cut off by Dumbledore who cleared his throat importantly at the front of the room.


"Welcome all to another year at Hogwarts" Dumbledore began his speech and all heads turned to him "This year may not may an average year at Hogwarts for a lot of you".
"This year Hogwarts will be host to the Triwizard tournament" there was a cheer in the room as everyone looked around to each other in excitement,
"As you can see we are hosting two new guests tonight, Ludo Bagman and Barty Crouch" Elle hadn't previously noticed the appearances the two men before as she hadn't been paying attention but now she turned to see the enthusiastic blonde waving happily while the grumpy man on his left nodded slightly. The brunette couldn't help but notice the twins giving Ludo Bagman an angered glare and she wondered what that could be about.

"The triwizard tournament hasn't taken place since 1792, however this year safety precautions have been increased to prevent any injuries or deaths" Elle frowned, she'd never heard of this tournament before however the idea that deaths could be involved didn't sound pleasing to her.
"Out school will also be host to members of Beauxbatons academy and Durmstrang academy, they will be arriving by the end of the week and I am assured you will all give them a warm welcome" Hushed voices rang out across the hall as everyone chattered excitedly about this new event,
"As well as that all quidditch will be cancelled this year to make room for the tournament" Elle's smile dropped as she imagined a year without quidditch, Angelina and Alicia seemed to share her concern over this whole the twins seemed more determined to find out how they could enter the tournament.

𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 // George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now