𝟗𝟏. 𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐮𝐬

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The meeting was at eight that night. Elle left with Fred, George and Lee about ten minutes before that. Hermione had suggested not to leave in a large group which meant Alicia, Angelina, Lauren and Katie came afterwards.
They arrived at the seventh floor corridor to see a large brown wooden door that Elle had never seen before. All four of them stepped into the room in anticipation.

It was incredible. Filled with everything one would need to start a secret defence against the dark arts club. Hermione, Ron and Harry were already there along with Ginny and Neville. Hermione seemed very proud of herself as she stood waiting for everyone to arrive,
"What is this place?" Lee gasped as they all stepped in.
"It's called the room of requirement" Hermione beamed "you can only find it when you need to, as soon as everyone arrived the entrance closes and no one will find us here"

"Wicked" Fred grinned. More and more people began showing up until eventually everyone was there. Just as Hermione had stated, the outer door disappeared meaning they couldn't be disturbed.
"Right" Harry smiled "thank you all for coming I-" he was interrupted by Hermione who raised her hand as though in a classroom, Harry nodded towards her.
"I thought we would need a way to keep in touch so ,thanks to a suggestion from Elle" Hermione beamed "I've charmed these fake galleons so they display the date and time of a meeting, they grow hot when the date changed.

Everyone seemed impressed by this, and they passed the coins round and hit them safely in their pockets,
"If Umbridge asks any of us to turn out our pockets well she's not going to suspect a galleon" Hermione grinned at Elle.
She looked back to Harry suggesting he could start,
"I thought we'd do the disarming charm today because it can be quite-"
"This disarming charm" a snide voice came from the group, it belonged to an Hufflepuff quidditch player Elle new to be Zachariah Smith "how's that going to help is in the real world"

"I used expelliarmus against Voldemort last year, it saved my life but if you think it's beyond you feel free to leave" Harry smiled. The smirk on Smith's face vanished much to everyone's amusement.
"So if everyone could pair up, we'll get started"
The twins paired up together and Elle went with Lee.

"I'll go easy on you" he smiled,
"Don't" Elle smirked "you won't need to"
With that the spells began. Yells of expelliarmus filled the room. Elle was first to disarm Lee, his wand flew right out his hand and Elle caught it,
"Brilliant Elle" Harry smiled as he walked around.

They continued this for a while eventually trying to knock back their opponent as well as take their wand. Elle noticed that Fred and George were quietly disarming Zachariah every chance they got.
"EXPELLIARMUS" Lee yelled when Elle wasn't looking, she went flying back across the room and luckily landed on a stack of pillows. She looked up at Lee with a disgruntled expression but he just shrugged,
"You said not to go easy on you"
"Make sure I'm actually paying attention though" Elle muttered as she hastily stood up.

The group of four moved around so that George and Elle were now facing off. Yet again, Elle was the first to disarm her opponent, this time she sent George flying back a few steps so he couldn't immediately retaliate.
"Good one" he winked as she chucked his wand across the room. He caught it and they continued.


Although in a lot of cases, everyone seemed to be doing well. A few students were causing complete chaos. Such as the Creevey brothers who had managed to send books flying across the room. One hit Alicia in the face and she cursed angrily rubbing her nose in pain.
Elle looked over to Harry to see if he was handling it but he seemed too busy with Cho-Chang.

Elle smirked before returning to George.
"Expelliarmus" she stated calmly and yet again George's wand came flying across the room, she caught it proudly in her hand and winked at him.
"Bet you can't take both of us at once" Fred strode over time his brothers defence.

"Well that would be completely unfair" Elle shrugged but the twins were beaming at her. Elle rolled her eyes as Lee began to count down from three. Some other students had turned in anticipation to see what would happen.
"One" Lee exclaimed excitedly.

"EXPELLIARMUS" The twins both yelled,
"Protego" Elle stated at the same time, this repelled both their spells on themselves. They went flying back wards and Elle smartly caught both if their wand was they flew towards her.
Lee clapped ecstatically,
"Never doubted your Elle"

The twins were getting angrily to their feet,
"That's cheating" Fred mumbled,
"No it's not" Elle smirked "you never stated any rules"


The lesson went on for an hour before Hermione noticed the time. She suggested it better that they all headed back to their common rooms in smaller groups so they wouldn't be noticed by Filch and Mrs Norris.
Elle saw Harry pull the marauders map out of his pocket to check whether any teachers were scowering the corridors.

He sent the Slytherins first seeing that there were only two of them. Kaylee and Dan disappeared down the now darkened corridors. The Hufflepuff's left in two groups, then the Ravenclaws. Finally only the Gryffindor's remained. Out of all the houses, Gryffindor made up the large majority of the DA meaning they had to be careful they weren't spotted when heading back up.

Harry, Ron and Hermione volunteered to go last to make sure no one was caught. Elle went first with Lee and the twins. She felt quite exhilarated after the first meeting at the DA. Part of her wished she hadn't dropped defence against the dark arts as it seemed she was quite good at using defensive spells (although they had only used one of these). However after remembering Umbridge's sickly smug smile, she decided she would rather take potions. And that was saying something.

The common room was empty when they got back. This wasn't a surprise as a lot of Gryffindor had been at the DA meeting.
"Goodnight" Elle yawned,
"It's only nine" Lee frowned looking at the clock "I was going to stay up for a bit yet"
"You didn't stay up doing detentions all last week, or have quidditch practice yesterday" she defended.
"Fair enough" Lee shrugged as he flopped himself into the largest seat by the fire.

"Night" George smiled as Fred fell dramatically down onto the couch. Elle retreated up to bed feeling the weight of the last few weeks wash over her. In a weeks time was the first quidditch match of the season and Elle couldn't help but admit that they weren't ready for it in the slightest.

She heard more Gryffindor's coming in talking excitedly about the DA meeting but her head was lying heavily on her pillow and she felt as though opening her eyes would be a great effort.
She wasn't sure if she even heard the girls come up into the dorm, maybe she was asleep by then.

Her dreams flowed into the picture she'd seen before. The dark hallways of what she knew now to be the ministry of magic. A room filled with crystal balls and now... a new image. A doorway in the middle of a room, just the frame with a veil floating before it. It looked so enchanting that Elle wanted to step into it. She could hear voices calling from within. Telling her to join them.

She wasn't in control of her own body when she practically glided forward down the steps. Her eyes never left the veil and soon she was so close she could feel the cool air radiating from it. Steadily, Elle took a step through the doorway. Everything went dark.

She woke up surrounded by the black of the hangings around her four poster bed. She was breathing heavily over what she saw but told herself it was just a dream. There was nothing she could do about it. However as she lay her head on the pillow she was unaware that it wasn't all just a dream. She'd seen into the future again.


𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 // George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now