𝟒𝟏. 𝐚 𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐰𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐲 𝐜𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐦𝐚𝐬

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"She's very full on"
"She'll probably knit you a jumper"
"Oh Christ she's going to be a nightmare"
"Elle we've made a grave mistake"
The twins had been stressing non stop about taking Elle to the burrow for Christmas however she was behind excited at the idea, she had met some of Fred and George's siblings but most of them not properly and it just so happened that all of them were back this year. Harry Potter has also decided to come spend Christmas with the Weasley's as they were a family to him. Elle was glad that Harry was also coming to the burrow otherwise she would have felt quite out of place among the sea of red heads.

Elle assured the twins multiple times that everything would go perfectly with her meeting the Weasley's. They mentioned how they'd never brought a friend home before which made Elle feel slightly special as they stood on the platform looking around for the rest of the family.
"There they are" Elle muttered to Fred as she judged him in the arm, they turned to see the Weasley parents (mainly Molly) fawning over Ron and Harry as they stood awkwardly next to them.

"Brace yourself" George frowned as the three of them began pushing their trolleys in the direction of the family. Molly noticed the trio before they were there and beamed warmly as they approached,
"You must be Elle" the brunette nodded as Molly rushed over to give her a warming hug. The twins looked at her sympathetically but Elle just smiled feeling a sense of comfort in the kind women,
"When these two said they were bringing a friend home I was beyond surprised, how do you put up with them all the time?"

"With great difficultly" she smirked "but I'm sure you're used to that" Molly chuckled while nodding in agreement while the twins sarcastically pretended to be heart broken beside her.
"This is Arthur" Molly referenced for the older ginger man who held out his hand eagerly,
"Great to meet you, I hear you come from a muggle family" he grinned and Elle nodded in confusion,
"Dad's obsessed with muggles" Fred rolled his eyes,
"Yeah he thinks they're fascinating"


The burrow was an oddly shaped house with many floors towering up. Inside it smelt like freshly baked goods and it was surprisingly warm. It was also quite chaotic with dishes doing themselves and a pile of wool sat knitting itself in the corner.
"You'll have to share a room with the twins I'm afraid dear" Molly smiled and the twins scoffed,
"You're afraid?"
"What's so bad about sharing a room with us" George protested but Molly just raised her eyebrows as the trio began lugging their bags upstairs.

"This is ours" Fred announced as they arrived outside of a door that looked as though it had been set on fire in the past. Elle decided not to question it as she followed the elder twin into the room.
The walls were covered head to toe in posters of quidditch teams and parts of Zonko products. They were also littered with chocolate frog cards. There were two main beds and one makeshift one on the floor. The covers were purple on one bed and orange on the other. Lettering of the initials F.W and G.W were carved intricately over the beds,
"That's so mum can tell us apart" George smirked "we often switch just to annoy her". Elle thought that the messy chaotic room suited the brothers perfectly and noted how it smelt strongly of sweets and gunpowder just like the twins usually did.

𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 // George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now