𝟑. 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬

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The three of them were now standing outside a large black circular metal vault. The goblin placed the key into the lock carefully and the round door opened. As Remus and Elle stepped inside they were greeted by a shimmer of gold.
There was a reasonably large pile of money scattering the floor of the vault. Gold silver and bronze coins darted light of each other and contrasted metallics.

"We won't need all of it" Lupin began collecting some of the money into a bag that seemed to appear out of nowhere. "Obviously if you ever need anymore, this is all yours"

Once Lupin finished collecting the right amount of money, they retreated out of the vault and back towards the cart. The goblin handed the key back to Lupin who immediately passed it to Elle.

"This is yours" the cart began to move again and Elle prepared herself for another hellish ride however the return journey didn't seem as bad as the arrival. Maybe she was just getting used to it.

"I'll get the books for you since you won't know what to get... you need to go to Ollivanders and get yourself a wand, after that go to Madam Malkins to get some robes and after that I'll meet you outside of the apothecary ok?" Elle nodded knowing that her brain was already struggling to follow this information.

Remus handed her some money and then disappeared up the street. Elle looked around for the shop called Ollivanders, it didn't take her long to find, she stepped into the darkened building and found it empty.

It smelt dusty and strongly of wood as she walked up to the counter warily.
"Hello?" Her voice echoed loudly off the walls and she jumped slightly at the noice still on edge from the lack of people in this store.

Suddenly a ladder snapped back across a row of shelves and a man came into view. He was old and eccentric looking with wild eyes and wispy white hair. His smile was cheerful and he jumped down from his ladder and moved his glasses down his nose ever so slightly.

"Hello there, my name is Ollivander... how can I help you?" He boomed welcomingly,
"I need a wand"

"Of course you do... I already knew that but... you're not a first year are you?"

"No third year"

"But I've never sold you a wand before... correct?"

"I'm only starting Hogwarts this year it's a um... well it's a long story" Ollivander nodded seemingly interested,

"Well what is your name?"

"Elle Lupin" she smiled and Ollivanders eyes grew wide,

"Are you related to a certain Remus Lupin" Elle nodded,

"Yes he's my uncle" she smiled and Ollivander seemed quite excited by this statement,

"Ah I remember selling Remus his first wand... in fact I remember every wand I ever sold" he beamed proudly.

𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 // George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now