𝟓𝟐. 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧𝐬

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One new aspect of sixth year at Hogwarts was apparition lessons, Elle had been particularly excited for these as she always found it fascinating that wizards and witches could just teleport  to wherever they fancied. However as she entered the lesson and saw the nervous looks on everyone's faces she decided that maybe this wasn't going to be so easy after all. The teacher for the lesson was a man named Wilkie Twycross who's face looked as though it had never smiled in decades. He addressed the class in a boring manner as he mainly described everything that could go wrong when performing apparition.

The thing that scared Elle the most was the idea of splinching. This was when you could leave a part of you behind when apparating somewhere. Twycross told a bland story of a man who once arrived at his destination with both arms missing which made Elle clutch onto her own limbs tightly as though worried they were going to suddenly fall off. Although splinching seemed to have a comical impact on some members of the class (aka the twins) Wilkie described how it could often be a very traumatic experience for many witches and wizards and was the main reason that so many decided never to do it.

The students were placed behind a hoop on the floor. Each had their own hoop and the simple task was to apperate into it. Elle found the idea of this very difficult. When she'd imagined apparition, she'd assumed there must be a certain spell or charm to use however although wands were usually necessary the art of apparition didn't need an incantation. The trick was to imagine wherever you were planning on going in your head. That was it. Apparently if you desired to travel and knew the place in your mind that would be enough to get you there.

Elle found it all very strange as she observed the yellow hoop laid out in front of her. As the boring professor stopped talking, the students were aloud to give it a go. Elle closed her eyes and imagined as hard as she could that she was standing in the middle of the hoop. As she did so her mind went fuzzy and it felt as though she had been pulled through some sort of forcefield. As she opened her eyes she saw to her amazement that she was standing inside the hoop just as she'd pictured. Everyone was staring at her in amazement including Twycross. Apparently he'd never seen a student pick it up first time.

Elle figured that this ability had something to do with her gift of foresight. It wasn't exactly the same however it was similar. She was imagining an event in her head that was going to take place and then (just like her dreams) it happened. She was the only student who managed to complete the task in the first time limit. Everyone else seemed to be cursing as they tried as hard as they could to transport. Meanwhile Elle kept pushing the hoop further and further away from her and still managing to perform the trick perfectly.

"Show off" Fred called from across the room and she turned to grin at him,
"Jealously doesn't suit you Weasley" she pouted sarcastically and he frowned. Luckily no one splinched in the lesson, Elle definitely did not need to see that today as it may well just put her off apparition for life. By the end of the lesson five other students had managed it including Anna, Katie, Angelina and Lawrence. They all walked excitedly out of the lesson chattering away about how fun it was to apperate. Fred and George grumbled to themselves at the back as they were unable to complete the task.

𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 // George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now