𝟏𝟑𝟒. 𝐢 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞

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"Fred and Verity have gone out" George announced as he entered the room. Elle was siting on the windowsill reading 'The Great Gatsby'.
"Where?" She muttered as she licked her finger to gently turn the page,
"Burrow" he fell back on the bed making the spring squeak below his weight.

"Why aren't we there?" Asked Elle,
"You seemed busy" yawned George,
"I'm just ready" Elle shrugged "though I guess we're going on Sunday"
"Hmmm" George sighed.

A few more moments passed before Elle reached the end of her chapter. She placed the bookmark gently into the book and stared out over the darkened street. Diagonalley had once been filled with so much joy and happiness. Bright colours used to radiate off the shops and laughter could almost always be heard. Now it looked like a wasteland. Even the joke shop looked less colourful due to the mist accumulating over the cobbles.

"I hate this" Elle sighed as she flopped next to George on the bed. The ceiling was a boring white, Elle noticed a small part of the paint was beginning to peel away disclosing a beige colour below.
"I know" muttered George "I do too"
They lay there quietly saying nothing, they didn't need to.

"Elle?" George said at last,
"I want to talk to you"
"You already are talking to me" a pillow collided with her face after the words left her mouth.

"That was uncalled for" she yelled in a muffled voice from below the white cushion "I was only stating a fact"
"I'm being serious"
"Why are you being Sirius when you're George?"
"Can you stop it" George laughed as he removed the pillow from her face.

"My apologies" Elle smirked as she stared up at George who was now leaning over her. He leant down and kissed her deeply as she lifted a hand to stroke the side of his face,
"I thought you wanted to talk" murmured Elle,
"Yes I do" George smiled. He stopped kissing her and pulled her up by her arms so she was sitting on the end of the bed.

George sat cross legged on the floor and gazed up at her,
"What?" Elle smiled.
"I don't know where to start"
"You're not going to get all soppy are you?" Elle frowned.

"I don't know, maybe" he grinned sheepishly "is that a problem?"
"No I love it really" she admitted.
"We've known each other for... how long now?"
"Seven years I think" Elle frowned.

"Sounds about right" George nodded "I still remember the first time we met"
"Oh this is soppy isn't it" Elle laughed,
"Shut up or I'll throw another pillow at you" he hit her knee playfully.
"Sorry, do go on"

"I thought you were going to be a right stuck up git when I saw you"
"Charming" Elle laughed,
"But surprisingly you were actually quite funny"
"Surprisingly?" Elle frowned "quite?" She added,

"Yeah I'm not phrasing this very well" George muttered "what I'm trying to say is that I liked you from the start"
"Ok thanks" Elle smirked "I liked you too"
"I didn't think anything more of it until that night you came into my room"
"When I'd had the nightmare?" Asked Elle.

"Yes" George nodded "from that moment I had this feeling... like I wanted to protect you"
"Well you did a mildly good job"
"I did a great job" George defended "you're alive aren't you?"
"Yes and that's thanks to you" Elle grinned sarcastically.

"Anyway" George continued "I thought this was because we were good friends for a while, until that day when you told me about your brother in that classroom... I realised that I didn't want you to confide in me because we were friends, I wanted you to because I wanted to be more than that"
"Very sweet" said Elle "but it's a bit late to confess your feelings"
"Shhh" George interrupted.

"I still told myself it was nothing, that it would pass because I was sure you would never feel the same way but then I looked in that mirror"
"The mirror of erised" Elle nodded,
"Yes" smiled George "I saw us being together, we were older not much maybe just how old we are now... I realised how much I wanted that"

Elle didn't have any quick remarks to make now. She was too busy feeling her heart pound as he spoke the words. Her eyes got lost in his as her legs dangled carelessly off the bed.
"I was too scared to say anything of course and then... well then I made a stupid mistake"
"You thought I liked Fred" laughed Elle "yes I remember that"
"I really believed it" George laughed "I was so annoyed, because it was me who held you hand at the World Cup, me who you confessed your fears to, me who comforted you" he paused as the memories came back.

"So yeah I screwed up and pretended to be Fred" he laughed "he still doesn't know about that by the way"
"No and he never will" Elle shook her head,
"I mean.. a bit after that everything seemed to fall into place"
"Yes I was there" smiled Elle.

"That's when I fell in love I think" George nodded "when I kissed you at the Yule ball, I remember thinking that I never wanted this to end"
"But it did" Elle frowned "you got jealous over... Cedric"
"We don't need to bring that up"
"I thought you were doing a whole narrative" Elle laughed.

"Ok ok" he smiled "I made another mistake, I saw you two and I thought you looked good together, it made me question myself and ... I never lost trust in you I promise I didn't"
"I know you didn't" Elle nodded,
"Then you said it was never going to work... that broke me" Elle smiled sadly.

"I didn't mean it" she added "I remember when you left the room I looked into the mirror and saw us together"
"Yeah we were being stupid" George laughed "worked out though"
"That it did" Elle winked "so where are you going with this"
"I guess I'm just trying to tell you how much I love you" George sighed.

"I already know you love me" she smiled "and I love you too"
"Yeah I know" George smiled "I love your laugh and your hair and your jokes, I love when you steal my sweaters and play with my hair"
Elle gazed at him again.

George stared at her,
"What?" She laughed,
"It's your turn" smiled George playfully,
"Oh ok" Elle nodded "um..."

"Don't make it look too difficult" he frowned,
"It's not" Elle assured him "I just don't know where to start... I love how funny you are, I love your smile and the way you're always there for me.. I love how tall you are and how competitive you are.... I love how you smell like cinnamon... I love everything" she shrugged finally.

"I love everything too" he beamed "I don't know what I'd do without you"
"You won't have to know" Elle smiled "because I'm always here"
George paused.
"Always together right?"
"Always" Elle assured.

"Elle?" He spoke again, Elle tilted her head to the side in wonder as he stared up at her,
"Yeah" she muttered softly,
"I know we're young... but I want to spend the rest of my life with you"
"Yeah me too" Elle smiled.

"You don't understand" laughed George,
"Don't I?" She frowned in confusion,
"I want to marry you" he muttered.

Elle froze.
"Are you asking me to marry you?" She murmured,
"What would you say if I was?"
"Well are you asking or not" she laughed.

"Elle" he muttered pulling something slowly out of his pocket "will you marry me?"
He held a small gold ring in his palm. Elle's eyes were transfixed on it, never moving as thoughts rushed through her brain. Surely she was dreaming, this couldn't be real.
"I'm getting really nervous here" he muttered softly.

"Yes" Elle blurted "yes of course I will"
A smile grew over the boys face in excitement. He jumped up and pulled Elle into a strong hug. She laughed against his chest and he danced around happily.
"Did you actually think i was going to say no?"

"I thought you might think we were rushing things"
"We're going to be together forever anyway" Elle shrugged "might as well make it official"
George kept smiling as he slipped the small ring on her finger. It was made up of two bands which worked around each other. It looked similar to the design of her wand.

"I love you" George muttered into Elle's hair. She turned up to him and pulled him into a long kiss,
"I love you more"

"That's never going to get old"


𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 // George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now