𝟏𝟏. 𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐧

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October went by just as fast as September had and now it was Halloween, Elle hadn't realised that this wasn't just a muggle holiday in fact she came to learn that the holiday actually originated from the wizarding world.

Unfortunately the holiday had fallen on a week day meaning that the kids had to endure a day of work before the exciting feast that night. Alicia hadn't stopped talking about how incredible the pumpkin pie was and Elle couldn't wait to try some.

Eventually the feast rolled around. Elle was late as she'd had to sit through two of her extra lessons, one with Flitwick and one with Sprout. When she arrived at the table everyone was already sitting waiting for Dumbledore's speech and more importantly the arrival of the food.

Her friends noticed she was approaching and the twins slid apart slightly so Elle could squeeze in between. Angelina and Lauren were sitting opposite her, Alicia to Fred's left.
"How were the extra lessons?" Lauren asked sweetly,
"Charms was great but I still can't get my head around the mandrakes" Elle shivered at the thought,
"At least you're didn't pass out while handling them" Angelina eyed Fred who looked indignant,
"I did no such thing" he stated as Alicia, Angelina and Lauren burst into laughter at the memory.


Dumbledore kept his speech short as usual and soon the feast arrived, the friends began tucking in, Elle noticed Alicia take a huge slab of pumpkin pie trying to be as discrete as possible.
The group laughed happily as they ate talking about how much they hated certain lessons and also their Christmas plans which left Elle feeling slightly nervous knowing she would have to see her parents again.

As they neared the end of the feast the great halls doors burst open and a very flustered looking Quirrel burst into the hall and ran towards Dumbledore,
"TROLLLL TROLLL IN THE DUNGEON...just thought you ought to know" and with that he passed out into the stone floor.

The students jumped up in panic and many started screaming out of fear. Elle had never seen a troll but she gathered from the reaction that this was not a good thing.
"SILENCE" Dumbledore yelled as he stood tall at the head of the hall,
"Everyone back to your common rooms at once" The students scrambled and Elle heard the voice of Percy Weasley ring out.

"Follow me, I'm the prefect" George grabbed Elle's arm as he and Fred hurried ahead out of the hall.
They began to pace up the stairs two at a time,
"We'll be fine, trolls are idiots"
"Bit like you Fred"
"Well they look like you George"
"Fred you two are literally identical"
"Oh yeah"

The three of them arrived at the common room entrance before anyone else and Fred blurted the password to the fat lady who seemed unimpressed by their rushing about.
As the doorway closed behind them Elle noticed that her hands were shaking. She felt a bit stupid as she wasn't particularly scared but all the adrenaline and panic from other students had obviously gotten to her.

𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 // George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now