𝟏𝟑𝟕. 𝐬𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐧𝐞𝐰𝐬

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As the next few weeks passed, Elle and George made it a priority to inform a small group about the wedding. The date had now been set to January which gave them a few months to get everything in order. Elle had wished they could do it sooner but understood that some things took time.

The couple had agreed to invite a small amount of people, George had invited all his siblings (except Ron who was currently MIA) as well as his parents and Lee Jordan. Elle had invited her four Gryffindor friends as well as Patrick and Anna who were incredibly excited for her.

The only other two guests who she wanted there were Remus and Athena. She was both excited and nervous to tell them that she was getting married as part of her worried about how her uncle would react.

She sat down in the shop waiting for them to arrive, Elle had taken to sitting on the shops counter and swinging her legs back and forth so her heel softly collided with the wood. Minutes past and she listened out to the subtle tick of the clock as she waited.

The twins were upstairs with Verity probably asleep. It was early in the morning and the sky was still glowing a paint orange as the tingle of the departing sunrise broke out and clouds blossomed before it.
A soft bell rang above the door and Elle turned to see Athena and Remus entering the shop.

Athena was barely pregnant but there was a small bump growing outside her cloak which was a deep purple. Remus looked happier than the last time she'd seen him and she was glad he had not left Athena like he presumed he had to. The brunette jumped down and hugged her aunt and uncle, making sure to be gentle around Athena.

"It's good to see you" Athena beamed as Elle took them into the back room where three chairs were already set out in preparation for their arrival.
"So what's going on?" Remus asked immediately as they took their seats,
"How are you both doing?" Elle interrupted feeling as though this was more important.

"I'm great Elle thank you" Athena smiled "Remus is worse than me and he's not even carrying the child"
"That's not true" he defended but Athena just raised her eyebrows,
"Do you know whether is a boy or a girl yet?" Asked Elle.
"No" Remus answered "we're keeping is a surprise for us"

"I think it's a girl" Athena smiled as she placed her hand gently on her stomach,
"I think it's a boy" Remus contradicted with a smile on his face.
"Who knows it could be one of each" Elle laughed and Remus froze looking suddenly panicked.
"Or not" Elle jumped in "was just a joke".

Athena laughed but Remus still looked slightly worried as he stared down at the small bump that held the child.
"So is there a reason we're here?" Athena asked as she smiled up at the brunette,
"Yes actually" Elle grinned "I um... have some news"
Remus looked in in surprise "news?"

"Yes" Elle smiled happily "I'm um... engaged" she held up her hand revealing the ring on her finger glinting in the sunlight coming in through a window.
The colour drained from Remus' face while Athena clapped in excitement,
"That's brilliant Elle I'm so happy for you" she leaned in to give Elle another quick hug.

Remus sat staring at the girl in shock for a moment before Athena lightly elbowed him in the ribs. He jumped and seemed to come back to his senses,
"Yes that's brilliant" he smiled warily "but you are so young"
"I know" Elle defended "but this is something I want to do"

He nodded in understanding,
"So whens the wedding?" Athena asked excitedly,
"January 10th" Elle smiled "we don't know where yet but we thought it would be nice to get married on a beach"
Athenas grin faded momentarily before reappearing as though nothing had happened.

Remus shot Athena a quick glance and Elle frowned,
"Do you not think that's a good idea?" She asked,
"On the contrary I think it's a great idea" Athena nodded "we went to a beach wedding once and it was beautiful"
"Oh that's nice" Elle smiled "hopefully it won't be too cold"

"We can cast some enchantments to make it warmer" Remus informed her "that's what we did last time"
"Who's wedding was it?" Elle asked absentmindedly,
"Sirius and Kennedy's" Athena muttered sadly "it was lovely"
Elle frowned in both confusion and surprise.

"Sorry what?" She asked "they're married?"
"Yes" Athena laughed "though their marriage obviously wasn't a good one"
"I didn't even know they were together... is that why Kennedy went all..." she stopped realising that it wasn't really any of her business.
"Yes that's why Kennedy's been acting weird lately" Athena smiled solemnly "one of the reasons anyway... she was always a bit weird"

"Anyway" Elle smiled quickly noticing the shadow on her uncles face "there's just one more thing I'd like to ask"
The couple nodded as they looked up at Elle,
"I was wondering Remus... if you could maybe give me away... since my dad...can't"
Remus looked up in surprise as though Elle had just given him all the money in the world.

"You want me to give you away?" She nodded hurriedly and saw a grin stretch over Athenas face.
"I'd love you to" she smiled in assurance.
"Then I'd be honoured" he murmured softly "really honoured"


Sorry these chapters are quite short I was going to combine a few of them then I decided I'll just leave them as they are bc it gets the chapter number up etc

𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 // George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now