𝟏𝟎𝟏. 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐦

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The new divination teacher was called Firenze and everyone seemed to be raving about his lessons which were now taking place downstairs in an unused classroom.
"It was amazing" Lauren gushed "he's changed the whole room so it looks like we're in a forest"
"Sounds Great' Fred muttered while sounding completely unconvinced.

Soon they were fast into February which meant that Valentine's Day was coming up. Elle would have completely forgotten if it wasn't for Katie and Lauren talking about it so loudly all the time.
Elle wondered whether her and George would do anything for it, they weren't exactly the type to go on dates ,or they hadn't up to this point, however Elle felt as though she needs something to look forward to.

However any hope of plans being made were ruined by Angelina who informed them two days before Valentine's Day that they would be practicing quidditch all day.
"All day" Alicia sighed as she fell back onto her bed dramatically "give us a break Ang"
"You do realise we have a match in a week" she observed "and our team is far from where it needs to be"

Elle sighed in frustration at the idea of spending another whole day flying around the pitch getting continuously hit by bludgers as the teams beaters were too incompetent to hit them.
"I think we should just give up at this point" Elle shrugged before turning to see the look of anger on Angelina's face. She sprang into a full lecture about how important the quidditch cup was. She zoned out immediately and imagined that she didn't have to train on Valentine's Day and instead was allowed to go into Hogsmede with George.


The day before Valentine's Day, her and George had been early to their transfigurations lesson. They sat together chatting at the back of the room mainly about Weasleys Wizarding Weases which was the favourite choice of subject for both the twins. The conversation soon died down and George looked at Elle slightly nervously,
"So tomorrow" he grinned losing the edge of concern that Elle had just noticed immediately,

"Well it's Valentine's Day" George continued "and it's a Hogsmede day"
"George" Elle interrupted and the smile left his face immediately,
"If you don't want to do anything that's fine" he stumbled hastily "I just thought-"
"It's not that I don't want to" Elle assured him "it's just that Angelina's scheduled quidditch practice all day tomorrow.
"Oh" George frowned "well I'm not surprised she's been going quidditch crazy lately" Elle laughed at the truth of the statement.

"Shame though" he added "I was looking forward to doing something"
"Same" Elle muttered "I wish Umbridge would let you and Fred come back to the team, if I get hit with one more bludger I'm going to take one of those idiots bats and throw it at them, maybe then they'll know how it feels" George chuckled,
"I wouldn't do that or you'll be kicked off the team too, I'd hate to see Angelina's face if she lost another member.


What made the situation even worse was the fact that Valentine's Day saw a torrential downpour of rain,
"You can't seriously make us train in that" Alicia protested, they could barely see out of the window for the opaque downfall,
"Yes I can" Angelina stated "it'll calm down soon enough".

𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 // George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now