𝟏𝟕. 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐲

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The twins had roped Elle into helping them plan an amazing birthday party for their fourteenth, they'd bought streamers and ever bouncing balloons from zonkos along with a whole bag of sweets from Honeydukes saying that they got the money from betting on wizarding chess.

"We make so much from it Elle it's incredible" they laughed,
The event would of course take place in Gryffindor common room after dinner, therefore every Gryffindor was invited,
"McGonagall is going to hear all the noise you know, she always does" the twins shook their heads ignorantly.
"Then she can join in the party" they cheered.


Before Elle knew it, it was April first and the twins were beyond excited.
"Happy birthday idiots" Elle smirked as she walked down early to the common room to find them already sitting on the sofa buzzing excitedly,
"Thank you dearest Elle" Fred smirked hugging her tightly,
"Yes thank you very much" George hugged her too and she sat opposite them on a footstool.

"I got something for you" she smiled handing them two awfully wrapped presents.
They looked at them in surprise,
"Oh Elle you didn't have to" George grinned,
"Thank you though".

"You don't know what it is yet" Elle smirked. They tore off the wrapping paper and were immediately by an explosion of glitter. Elle laughed as the twins looked up now sparkling silver,
"You pranked us... on our birthday" Fred muttered,
"APRIL FOOLS" Elle continued to laugh.

Once the twins had begrudgingly cleaned away all the glitter from their hair, faces and robes Elle gave them their actual presents still laughing at her own prank,
"If you glitter bomb us again we shan't talk to you until next term"
"Shan't? You're beginning to sound like hermione granger" Elle smiled, the twins just gave her expressionless glances.

They timidly tore off the paper and to their surprise saw a book sitting in front of them,
The book was called 'zonkos 100 best prank ideas'
"I hope you don't already have it" Elle grinned nervously, they shook their heads and pulled her in for a tight hug,
"Thank you so much Elle, you know us too well"
"George your a poet"
"And I didn't even know it"

The twins received many yells of happy birthday as they walked down the corridors in between lessons, after all they were the most renowned pair in the school.
Elle could feel the excitement ebbing off them as they sat through the excruciating day which included, potions, herbology, history of magic, astronomy and defence against the dark arts which overall was quite a shit day.

Gryffindor talked in anticipation about the Weasley's party that evening while Percy continuously shot the twins knowing glances,
"Don't mind Percy, we'll just knock him out before the party" the twins grinned wickedly.
"I hope you're joking" Elle muttered, knowing the twins it was either a hilarious joke or a genuine plan, she could never tell anymore.

𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 // George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now