𝟐𝟑. 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐞

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The term was a long one, Elle wished she could go back to having the dream about Harry rather than the one about the strange man in a prison. She felt bad that every night she was watching the one responsible for torturing Alina's parents to insanity. Of course she didn't mention anything to her considering Alina had never told Elle about her parents and what they went through. It wasn't as though it was Elle's fault in the slightest but she was beginning to feel connected to this man she dreamt of him every night which was worsened by the idea they shared the same gift.

There was a lot to take her mind off the subject, most importantly exams, Elle had been studying non stop over the weekends not even delving into Hogsmede with her friends despite missing Fred getting punched last time. She was determined to excel in these exams and if that meant putting in hard work, well that's what she would have to do. To her annoyance, she had to spent most of her time revising potions since she was definitely doing the worst in that subject. She flat out refused to seek any help from the grumpy professor so had to do all of the work herself which led to her getting muffled headaches and mental breakdowns every five minutes.

She'd gotten into the habit of joining in with Fred and George's pranks after all she had been a prankster herself in her younger years, she had mentioned this to the twins who didn't seem overly impressed by her pranks seeing as they weren't magic. However Elle was getting better at the magic pranks and when she wasn't studying, she found herself crouched behind a wall waiting for a reaction from their victims. Fred and George loved pranking Filch however this was a risk considering he would chase after them, luckily Elle had gotten better at running away.

Their best prank to date was turning all the girls (Elle shared a dorm with) hair different colours. The trio sat in the common room in anticipation as the four girls came sprinting down the stairs sending the three into fits of laughter. Angelina's hair was bright blue, Katie's red, Alicia's green and Lauren's pink. However something good game from it when Lauren decided she loved how the pink hair looked on her and restored to dying her blonde locks a soft bubblegum pink.


Quidditch was also going well for the Gryffindor team as they'd almost won every game this term, they'd beaten Ravenclaw and Slytherin leaving them to only face Hufflepuff  for the final decider of who would win the Quidditch trophy that year. Luckily the game went well for them and they ended up beating the Hufflepuff team as Harry impressively swooped low to collect the snitch (without swallowing it this time) the team had a celebration in the common room that night which led to them all passing out from exhaustion on the sofas and having to be woken up by the rest of the house the next day.


As exams drew nearer Elle found herself growing separate from her friends (apart from Alicia who liked studying with her in the library). Fred and George seemed too set on pranking to study but despite that would come out with impressive marks. As for the other girls their interests weren't entirely academic. Angelina was fully quidditch orientated, Lauren spent most of her time devising a plan to get back with Chase and Katie usually ebbed in between them usually reading some kind of book in her spare time.

𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 // George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now