𝟖𝟐. 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠

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The week before Harry's trial was filled with worry and anticipation however no one was outwardly showing this. The kids had been distracted by being given many chores to help cleaning around the house. Elle had been fine with this until Molly had told her and the twins that they shouldn't use magic to do it.
"What's the point of being able to do magic if we can't use it" Fred protested but Molly just told them it wasn't fair in the younger ones who couldn't do it.

Fred and George decided that they would rather work on their skiving snack boxes than help out cleaning, especially if they weren't allowed to use magic. Elle however decided that since everyone had been so kind to let her stay here, the least she could do was help out. She spent a fair few morning in the unbearable heat cleaning out doxies using doxicide.

The weather had continued to get warmer and warmer. Tonks had decided to sport an electric blue pixie cut for a while claiming that having long hair made heat even worse. Elle could definitely relate their, she was stuck with her mane of thick brown curls that unfortunately couldn't be temporarily switched into another style. She had it piled on top of her hair in a large bun most of the time to stop her neck getting so sweaty.

Ron and Hermione skated over the subject of the trial while everyone was cleaning out the rooms. However it seemed to be the only thing that Harry wanted to discuss. She tried her best to stay out of the way and get her own jobs done. Eventually she decided that she felt to awkward cleaning in the room when the golden trio were having a heated argument about Dumbledore. She left unnoticed and went to find another room to clean.


She ended up in her favourite room of the house. It was the small room where she'd sat on the windowsill gazing out. She was tempted to stop working and just sit looking out at the soft blue sky. However she became intrigued by a large box in the corner that she hadn't noticed before. It was furiously shaking alerting her that something was inside of it.

She knew immediately what it was, it was a boggart. The house was riddled with them however she'd only come into contact with one and that was when she'd discovered Kennedy's true identity as a werewolf. She closed the door softly and opened the box.

Last time she'd faced a boggart, she'd been in Remus' defence against the darks class. The boggart had turned into her brother who at the time she'd believed to be a maniac. She had never been given a chance to face it as her uncle had stepped in and done it himself obviously it expecting her boggart to be what it was.

The boggart seemed to be trying to decide what to become. It switched between a few things hastily including a spider and some fire. Then it landed on something that made Elle's heart drop. She dropped to her knees with her hand over her mouth.
It was George. He was lying in front of her. Dead.

"It's not real" she muttered. But it looked real. It looked so real. His eyes were blank and glazed and his face pale. His hands were cold as she placed hers over it,
"It's just a boggart" she told herself again. However the more she stared at the body the more incapable she became to face it.

𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 // George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now