𝟏𝟑𝟔. 𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐥 𝐨𝐟 𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐮𝐦𝐧

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Autumn soon rolled around meaning trees became orange and the air became slightly colder. This had always been Elle's favourite time of the year, she loved the idea of crunching leaves and drinking hot chocolate while watching scary films. Of course at this time the world seemed so messed up that seasons blurred together in a mass of uncertainty.

Since the twins, Elle and Verity spent a lot of their time cooped up in the flat. Elle thought it best to show them the beauty of Halloween movies. They'd spent five days sitting on the sofas together drinking warm drinks and watching movies. It was strangely comforting even if the movies were often quite terrifying.

Elle stayed curled into George's side and occasionally sheltered her face in his shoulder even though she'd seen these movies numerous times and knew exactly when the jump scares were coming. As for Fred and Verity, it was the elder twin who screamed the loudest whenever something scary happened. Elle found herself doubled over in laughter by the end of 'nightmare on elm street' as Fred pretended he hadn't been scared once despite being hidden behind a cushion.

On one Thursday morning, Elle and George ventured out of the flat for the first time for a while and apperated to a small forest that Elle had often gone to when she were younger. The brunette raved about how the trees in this forest were always the most beautiful during this time of the year. Although there was still a faint mist lingering over the stretches of grass, the brightly coloured trees of red and orange stood out beautifully against the dull sky.

The pair of them walked hand in hand through the trees laughing and talking along as they gazed up at the leaves that fell around them like confetti.
A common choice of discussion at the moment had of course been the wedding. Neither of them wanted anything over the top, in fact they had both agreed that it would be a lot better if they kept it simple.

They were yet to inform anyone except the Weasley parents and Fred and Verity meaning they had a list of people to invite. With post being checked, the best way to invite others would be to arrange a meeting rather than sending a formal invitation and risk it being crashed by a dozen snatchers looking for muggle borns or Harry Potter.

Elle wished things were different, she wished that she didn't have to worry about her wedding being ruined but she definitely did not want to wait a while before they got married. The brunette knew what she wanted, she'd known it for years but with the ring on her finger she had never been more sure.

More than anything, Elle wished that her parents could be there, she wished they could see her marry the love of her life and be happy for her like Elle knew they would be. Elle also wished that she could invite her brother, of course that was impossible as he was currently still under the control of the death eaters as far as she knew. However it would have been nice for him to be there.


Another week rolled around and Elle found herself seated in the Leaky Cauldron. It was a lot less friendly than it had used to be. The barman rarely made conversation anymore and people who were in there were usually huddled in dark corners whispering to themselves and giving others odd glances.

The brunette was in there to meet up with four of her friends (Alicia, Katie, Angelina and Lauren). She was relatively excited not only because she would be breaking the news to them about the marriage and asking to be bridesmaids but also because it had been a while since she had managed to see them.

Until they left Hogwarts, the girls had seen each other everyday except holidays and now two months had passed before she'd properly caught up with any of them. Elle found herself missing them a lot and constantly wondering how they were doing.

The door to the pub opened and the four girls stepped inside looking exhausted and cold. However their faces immediately lit up upon seeing Elle sitting on a table with five butter beers waiting.
The brunette stood up as they approached and hugged them all tightly as if it had been years since their last meeting.

Somehow they looked older than they had done. She presumed it was the stress of the world, many were forced to grow up in the way that they had to except dark times were overcoming them. Lauren had cut her hair short now as it dangled just above her shoulders, Elle remembered when she had continuously died it bubblegum pink while at school, now it was just blonde.

"I've missed you" Angelina smiled "all of you"
"I know" Katie sighed "I can't believe what's going on I really can't... did you see that Snape became headmaster" the girls all nodded "I'm glad I'm not at Hogwarts anymore let's just say that" she shivered.
"Apparently it's awful" Alicia sighed "I heard they were using the cruciartus curse as a punishment"

"But that's Illegal" Angelina frowned,
"Not anymore" Elle interrupted "the ministry control everything and well... you know the state that's in"
"Yeah I forgot about that" Alicia said,
"Anyway we came here for a good catch up" Lauren smiled brightly "right Elle?"

"Yeah actually I asked you all here for a reason" the brunette began,
"What's that?" Alicia smiled,
"I'm getting married"
The reaction was comical, Alicia slopped butter beer over herself, Lauren gawped at her wildly, Angelina let out a loud gasp and Katie almost fell out of her chair in surprise.

"No you're not!" Lauren gasped,
Elle just held out her hand revealing the small gold ring positioned beautifully on her finger. Lauren grabbed her hand and dragged it towards her face to gaze at the ring,
"I love it" Lauren smiled as Elle hovered awkwardly over the table having been pulled forward.

"Just for clarification" said Katie "you are marrying George?"
"Yes of course I am" laughed Elle,
"I'm so happy for you" smiled Alicia as she pulled Elle into a side hug from her seat next to her.
"Me too" Angelina added "congratulations!"

"Yes congratulations!" Lauren squealed as she lifted up her bottle of beer. The other four girls did the same and clinked their bottles together in the centre of the table for an act of celebration.
"So when and where is the wedding?" Continued Lauren in curiosity,
"I'm not sure yet" Elle smiled "probably soon and we decided getting married on a beach would be nice"

"You should do it at sunset that would be so pretty" Alicia swooned,
"Definitely" Lauren nodded,
"Would be freezing though" Angelina frowned,
"Who cares!" Katie laughed "it'll be amazing"

"Yeah it would be" Elle agreed "I was also going to ask you all something else"
"What?" Asked Angelina.
"Well I need some bridesmaids" Elle continued, Lauren's eyes lit up immediately,
"Yes" she blurted out and the other three turned to her in confusion before catching on.

"You're asking us?" Katie beamed,
"Of course I am" laughed Elle "you guys are my best friends"
"I bloody love you" Alicia grinned "of course I'll be your bridesmaid"
"Actually Alicia" the girls smile faded as she stared at Elle.

"I was wondering if you'd be my maid of honour?" The excitement in the girls eyes was enough to make Elle smile for weeks as she pulled her into another hug,
"Yes of course I will be" she smiled happily "I can't believe this... this is amazing"

"Isn't it just" Lauren smiled proudly "I always thought I'd be the first to get married"
"Same" Elle agreed,
"See times aren't all that bad" Angelina smiled "at least we have something to look forward to"
"Yes we most definitely do"


𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 // George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now