𝟏𝟏𝟓. 𝐤𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐞'𝐬 𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞

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"KATIE!" Elle yelled out in horror but it seemed the girl couldn't hear her, instead she kept screaming. It was a shrill, ear-piercing noise which filled Elle with dread.
The girl that Elle didn't know was still desperately pulling at Katie's ankle trying to get her down. Ron, Hermione and Elle just stared in shock not knowing what to do.

All of a sudden she fell to the ground before the group, her body made a soft thump on the snow below and she began twitching violently.
"What's happening to her" Katie's friend wailed as Katie darted about on the snow as though having a seizure.

"Coming through" a voice boomed from ahead, the group looked up to see the massive shape of Hagrid striding towards them accompanied by Harry who was having to jog to keep up.
"I'll take er up to the castle" Hagrid called as he lifted Katie into his arms. She was still twitching but not as much as she had been.

"What about the necklace?" asked Hermione in a trembling voice,
"Don't touch it" Hagrid warned as he began to stride off. Harry unwrapped his scarf from his neck and carefully wrapped the jewels in it.
The five of them began following Hagrid as fast as they could.

They were nearly back up to the castle when Professor McGonagall came striding out wearing a large tartan coat.
"What's going on?" She enquired immediately,
"We think Katie's been cursed" Harry stated and Elle's heart leapt in fear,
"Cursed" McGonagall gasped "how on earth has she been cursed"

"She touched a necklace and then she flew in the air and started... well screaming" Harry explained,
"You lot come with me" she ordered "oh Elle" she stared at the brunette obviously taken aback by her being there "what are you doing at the school?"
"Snape's been teaching me Occlumency" Elle smiled weakly, she noticed Harry gave her an odd glance,
"Ah yes of course" McGonagall smiled before following them into the castle.

"Katie is to be taken to the hospital wing straight away, Ah Severus just the man we need" McGonagall called, Snape was coming down the stairs to the left of the entrance hall looking perplexed,
"It seems we have a cursed necklace on our hands, Katie has been unfortunate enough to touch it"
"Where is the necklace now" Snape paced down the stairs towards them.

"In this" Harry held up the bundle of scarves,
"Do not touch it whatever you do" McGonagall ensured "Elle you will come with me to the hospital wing, I recall you being close friends with Miss Bell"
"Yes professor" Elle nodded,
"Harry, Ron, Hermione and Leanne you go to my office and wait there"

Everyone split off, Elle walked quickly to keep up with Minerva as she strode down the corridors towards the hospital wing.
Inside, Hagrid was already laying Katie down gently on one of the beds as Madame Pomfrey rushed over,
"Minerva what's happened?" Poppy gasped as she saw Katie.

Her friends face was pale, her eyes closed. It look as though she were dead.
"We believe she has been cursed by a very dark object" McGonagall sighed as she pressed her thumb on Katie's wrist, looking for a pulse,
"She is still alive"

𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 // George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now