𝟏𝟏𝟗. 𝐩𝐚𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐤'𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧

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Ron woke up only a couple of days later, he felt fine but had to remain in the hospital wing for the time being. The twins would occasionally leave the shop to go visit him. Elle and Verity assured them that the shop would be safe in their hands (probably safer than leaving the twins on their own).
It seemed the youngest Weasley brother was most upset about not being able to play quidditch for the next few weeks. This definitely suggested that the poison hadn't left any lasting damage on him.

Weasleys Wizarding Weases closed at four on a Saturday which was an hour earlier than it would do on the weekdays. The twins were still up at the school meaning that it was Elle's job to close the shop.
"Are you sure you don't need any help?" Verity's asked yet again as she slung her bag over her shoulder,
"Verify it takes two seconds" Elle laughed "I'll be able to manage".

The blonde smiled at her one last time before leaving out into the evening. Elle yawned loudly, it had been quite a busy day at the shop which was always the case on Saturday's.
She stood up and walked over to the door about to lock it when someone pushed it open from the other side,
"We're closed" Elle called.

The figure either didn't hear or chose not to. Elle frowned as a flash of blonde entered the shop and shut the door hastily behind them.
For a moment Elle thought Verity must have come back until the figure turned around.
It was Patrick.

She hadn't seen the funny Ravenclaw since July last year. All of her other friends had made attempts to come visit the shop except for him.
Elle noticed he looked older than the last time she'd seen him, he was a year older than Elle and since his birthday fell in November, he was now twenty years old.
That seemed crazy considering he'd been only fourteen when they'd met.

"Patrick" Elle gasped as he turned to face her, he smiled at her weakly,
"Hi Elle" he muttered "sorry for bursting in like this I just... needed to talk to someone" Elle nodded quickly in understanding before locking the door behind the tall blonde and beckoning for him to follow her upstairs into the apartment.

"I like the shop" he smiled politely "it definitely screams Fred and George"
"Yeah" Elle laughed "yeah it's their pride and joy... do you want a drink?"
"Yeah please" he smiled kindly. Patrick took a seat on the comfortable sofa as Elle summoned two bottles of butter beer which seemed to be the only drink in the house.

"Where've you been?" Elle asked immediately "even Anna didn't know where you'd gone"
"Yeah I know" Patrick sighed "I couldn't tell her until recently,I wanted to"
"What's going on?"
"A lot" Patrick laughed but it was a harsh laugh not his usual joking chuckle.

"Are you ok?" Elle continued asking questions hoping that at some point he'd answer,
"I've been in hiding" Patrick smiled softly "with my mother and sisters"
"In hiding?" Elle frowned "are you in danger?"
"Kind of yeah" Patrick sighed "remember when I told you about my dad?"

"Yeah he's a jerk isn't he" he smirked,
"Yes he is and now he's also a death eater" Elle's jaw dropped in surprise,
"I'm so sorry that's awful"
"It's not surprising" Patrick shrugged "he's always been a coward"

"So is he after you then?"
"Yeah" Patrick sighed "obviously I barely ever see him and my mum left him ages ago but apparently he's still coming for us"
"So where have you been?"
"Greece" Patrick smiled "my grandparents still live there so we've been staying with them, there's a bunch of protection going into it and everything so I think we'll be safe"

"How long do you have to stay there for?"
"I don't know" Patrick sighed "I actually ... I don't want to sound selfish but I was wondering whether you'd seen anything... in your dreams lately"
"I haven't had a dream like that in about a year" Elle smiled apologetically.

"Never mind" Patrick muttered "I was just wondering"
"I'm sure it'll all be ok soon" truthfully Elle didn't believe that, the world around them was filled with so much uncertainty that Elle couldn't know whether it would be the good or the bad that came out on top. Never in a million years would Elle have been able to predict when she was younger her future would be filled with so much fear.

"It's nice talking to someone again" Patrick admitted "I shouldn't really be here"
"You're safe here don't worry" Elle assured him
The two of them sat on the sofa drinking butter beer and reminiscing on memories from school.

Elle wished he didn't have to go back into hiding, Patrick had always been one of her closest friends and she'd been worried about not seeing him over the past few months.
"Have you spoken to Anna?"
"Yeah I saw her at Christmas, explained what was going on" Patrick smiled warily "I miss her so much"

"I know" Elle sighed "it's awful having a death eater in the family" she smirked thinking back to the time when she believed Theo was actually one of them. At the moment he technically was.
Patrick didn't know about Elle's brother but he decided not to question Elle.

"I should go" Patrick smiled sadly "thank you though, it's good... talking"
Elle nodded before hugging Patrick tightly, he was as tall as the twins.. maybe even taller. Tall people always gave great hugs.
"Hopefully I'll see you soon"
"Yeah hopefully" Patrick smirked.


It was another hour before the twins came back in, Elle decided against telling them everything about Patrick considering he was obviously paranoid about people knowing he was hiding. She quickly mentioned that he'd been round but it was obvious that the twins had something more exciting to say.
"We bought Zonko's" George beamed gleefully.

Elle clapped in delight before throwing her arms around her boyfriend,
"That's incredible" she laughed happily,
"It probably won't open until late in the year but it's a start" Fred laughed as Elle hugged him too,
"This calls for a celebration" Fred called before summoning more bottles of butter beer out of the cupboards.

They were awake most of the night laughing and drinking, forgetting about the world. Everything seemed ok.


A/N - lmao sorry this chapter is so boring it's a filler because I didn't want every chapter to be dramatic or sad or what not.
Anyway the next few will be better I hope.

𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 // George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now