𝟏𝟐𝟏. 𝐠𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐟

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The twins came running down the stairs to see who was breaking into their shop. They stopped in surprise to see Elle, Remus, Athena and .... Elle's dog.
"What's going on?" Fred asked immediately. Elle's head darted up, her vision was still blurry from the tears built up in her eyes.

She was trying to build up the information she'd just heard but she couldn't. Theo can't have been the one to kill Heather and Samson it just didn't make sense.
"It wasn't really him" Elle shook her head "he's still cursed"
"I know he is" Remus smiled sadly "he's not in his right mind Elle"

She nodded but still felt as though she would never be able to look her brother in the eyes again. He had killed them.
"Elle what's happened?" George paced forward noticing the look of pain and grief written all over Elle's face,
"They're dead" Elle whispered as he approached "my parents are dead"
She crumbled again but this time George was there to catch her, he held her tightly in his arms as the wave of shock washed over him.

He hadn't known Elle's parents that well. They'd met briefly in January when Elle had formally introduced George to them. They'd got on really well. He thought they were kind.
"The orders on the way there now" Remus informed the group "to get the... bodies and dispose of the dark mark"
"It was death eaters?" Fred gasped.

"It was Theo" Elle sobbed "they made him do it"
No one knew what to say,
"We'll give you some space" Athena smiled warily "come on Remus"
They disapperated out of the shop leaving Elle, the twins and Sunny who seemed to have taken a great interest in Fred.

"Elle I'm so sorry" George murmured as Elle sobbed against his chest,
"I don't understand why they killed them" she sniffed "they were innocent, not even magic... they couldn't defend themselves"
"I know" George replied "come on let's get some sleep".

They began to traipse back up the stairs, Elle leaning on George for support,
"What's the dog called?" Fred asked as Sunny followed him happily,
"Sunny" Elle muttered "he has nowhere else to go now"
"He'll stay here then" Fred replied "come on Sunny" he added in a child like voice as Fred laid a blanket out in the living room,
"There you go" he smiled, patting the dog on the head keenly.

George led Elle into their room and she immediately fell onto the bed still crying.
"I'm sorry" George repeated again as he lay down next to her,
"Do you think they're out there" Elle muttered as she stared up at the stars,
"Definitely" George responded in a low voice "they'll always be looking after you.


The funeral was one of the hardest things Elle had ever had to do. She stood by George the entire time. It was a muggle funeral of course. All of their friends had been muggles.
The service was quiet. Remus and Athena were there too. Athena held tightly to Remus' hand as they stood and watched.

𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 // George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now