𝟑𝟒. 𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐚'𝐬 𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭

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Christmas had been as boring as usual, Elle's parents had told her to invite a friend home but as Alicia was her only friend who didn't have a family to go to, Elle was out of luck. The two girls still hadn't talked to each other at all for the rest of the term as neither of them realised that they both felt the same when it came to the problem faced.

Elle was currently in the library catching up on the work that she'd neglected to do over the Christmas break. She had two bars of chocolate next to her to keep her going which were kindly gifted to her by Remus who had stayed with the family for one of the weeks she'd been home.

Elle had appreciated seeing her uncle again and despite her parents still seeing slightly wary of him, everything seemed to be going fine.

"What are you doing?" a voice came from behind her and she turned to see the twins looming above her,

"Work, wasn't that obvious" she muttered as the two walked round the table to sit in front of her,

"Well yes it was but we have something better to do" George smirked.

"I'm working" Elle smiled sweetly, Fred reached casually for one of the chocolate bars sitting next to her and Elle slapped his hand away irritably,

"Ah she's still abusive" the twins grinned,

"If you two are planning on doing another prank I'm not interested"

"It's not just another prank Elle" George rolled his eyes,

"Right George it's an amazing prank... on Professor Snape"

Elle finally looked up at the two of them who were sorting mischievous grins,

"Are you both mad"

"Yes we are, right Fred"

"Right George"

"If you prank professor Snape you might as well wave goodbye to your time at Hogwarts"

"Not if he doesn't catch us"

"He will"

"He won't"

"What prank are you pulling anyway" Elle raised her eyebrows and the two bounced excitedly,

"Well that's the best part"

"It's a prank we designed ourself" George grinned holding out a small round biscuit that looked exactly like a custard cream.

"A biscuit?"

"We call them canary creams" George beamed excitedly,

"Let me guess, when you eat it you turn into a canary",

"Precisely" they both grinned "we're going to sneak into the hall before dinner and leave one by his plate"

"This definitely isn't going to end well for either of you"

𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 // George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now