𝟗𝟔. 𝐜𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐦𝐚𝐬 𝐞𝐯𝐞

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Elle arrived in the kitchen of Grimmauld place startling everyone who had been sitting there. That included Mrs Weasley, Remus and Athena.
"Jesus Christ Elle" Athena muttered as she grabbed her chest dramatically. Mrs Weasley got over her shock quite quickly and ran straight over,
"There you are dear, did you have a good time?"
"Yeah it was great" Elle smiled as she sat in the chair Molly had pulled out for her.

"I was just going to make breakfast, I suspect everyone will be up soon, it is Christmas Eve after all" she beamed,
"How's Arthur doing?"
"He's ok" Molly smiled "we're going to see him tomorrow since he can't come home yet, Remus and Athena are coming too"
"That's great" Elle smiled knowing that meant she two would have to go, she wasn't against going to visit Mr Weasley of course, hospitals just always unsettled her.

The sound of sizzling filled the room and soon the scent of eggs and bacon was gliding past the group,
"How are your parents Elle?" Remus smiled kindly as he held a mug of coffee tightly in his hands,
"They're good, I told them what was going on at school but they obviously don't understand everything that well"
"Did you tell them about the detentions" Elle did a double take, how did he know about the detentions?

That's when Elle remembered. She'd told Athena, she gave the woman a look across the table but she seemed to be too busy examining her nails to look up.
"I did yeah" Elle grimaced,
"Did you tell them why you got detention?" He asked again and Elle paused for a moment. She hadn't wanted Remus to know that she'd got detentions by defending him but she should have known that by telling Athena, he was bound to find out after all he had told her to keep an eye on Elle.

"I think I mentioned it" Elle nodded slowly,
"I'm surprised they're not here trying to kill me" he sighed "you shouldn't have done that"
"Defended you or told my parents?" Elle frowned,
"Both... well mainly the first one"
"But they were completely out of order" Elle defended.

"Umbridge has always been against half breeds, she passed a decree in the ministry a few years back which makes it basically impossible for me to get a job" he sighed sadly "but that doesn't give you the right to insult her, after all she is your teacher"
"Not anymore i quit defence against the dark arts" Elle said proudly,
"You did what?" Both Remus' and Molly's voices rang out.

"I dropped the lesson, it's fine though I'm still taking four subjects" Molly smiled warily while Remus looked quite taken aback,
"I thought you were good at defence against the dark arts, you definitely were when I was teaching you" he continued,
"I'm good at the practical work but Umbridge doesn't let us do any of that"
"I'm not surprised" Athena smiled "after all she thinks Dumbledores trying to raise an army.

Molly and Remus both shot Athena a look and she held up her hands in mock defence,
"That's not a secret" she defended "its all over the daily prophet"
"I did already know about that" Elle assured the two before Molly turned back to the frying bacon.
"Well as long as you didn't drop the subject just because you didn't like Umbridge"
"I think that's a good reason" she began before she saw her uncle raise his eyebrows "but obviously that wasn't the main reason" she lied.

𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 // George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now