𝟒𝟕. 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 𝐜𝐮𝐩

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Excitement was an understatement, she'd arrived at the burrow a day before the event as they would have to leave promptly in the morning. Elle had spent her entire summer talking excitedly to her parents about the event, even when her uncle came to visit for a week it was all she talked about. Her parents didn't really understand the art of quidditch even when she had described it to them countless times.

Remus on the other hand did understand and had been seen her play, he described her talent to her parents who seemed proud. Confused but proud. The rest of Elle's summer consisted of a lot of reading, walking and movie watching. Although Elle hated none of these activities, she couldn't concentrate on something for long without the excitement of the World Cup entering her mind again. She must have read the same page in her book twenty times due to the fact she was barely even reading it.

When they day came that she had to travel to the burrow, Elle was practically bouncing off the walls. After exchanging letters with the twins, the group had decided that floo powder would be the best mode of transport for Elle. After all her parents weren't exactly keen to drive her all the way to the burrow and Molly and Arthur were way too busy to even think about it. Elle had packet all of her Hogwarts belongings with her as it was likely she would be coming home between the tournament and school, after all there wouldn't be much time to. Molly and Arthur had already agreed that it was perfectly fine for Elle to stay at the burrow.


In the exchanged letters, Fred and George had mentioned that they'd come to her and collect her just like the family were planning to do with Harry earlier that day. She would be there last collection meaning that they probably wouldn't arrive until the afternoon. Nevertheless, Elle spent the entire day sitting in front of her fire place waiting. The clock had hit three when green flames erupted in the grate and she jumped back in alarm as George stepped out gingerly wiping some spot from his arm.

"Thank god you have an actual fireplace, you should have seen the commotion collecting Harry" he muttered,
"Can't wait for hear all about it" she beamed "MUM, DAD THEY'RE HERE" Elle called as Fred appeared in the fire place shortly followed by his father who seemed angrier than usual.

"Good to see you Elle, you'll never guess what these two idiots did to Harry's cousin" he scowled at the twins who stifled a laugh,
"It was brilliant Elle" Fred ensured. Elle's parents came walking hastily into the living room trying to ignore the star of ash that had littered the carpet,
"Ah you two must be Heather and Samson, it's good to meet you I'm Arthur Weasley" the man grinned shaking her parents hands enthusiastically,
"This is Fred and George" Elle pointed to the twins who waved in unison.
"Yeah we've heard a lot about you" Heather chuckled,
"Aw you told you parents about us" the twins gushed sarcastically before Elle elbowed them in the ribs,
"Will you ever stop being abusive" Fred groaned.

𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 // George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now