𝟏𝟑𝟗. 𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐜𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐞

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Fred and George made the decision to start an owl business to continue making money, this meant that the apartment was now home to a dozen owls at a time. Sunny wasn't especially pleased as all he wanted to do was chase them. The owls in question would chirp loudly as they waited to be given their products, only then would they happily fly out of the constantly opened window.

This whole business was stressing Elle out, it seemed a lot harder than working in the shop as there was more to check. Firstly you had to find the right owl for the person, products also had to be boxed up and as well as that you had to do this constantly with the rapid stream of owls pouring in.

By the end of the first week, Elle had a headache from listening to all of the owls chattering to one another, rustling their feathers or flapping their wings impatiently. She had a dozen bite marks on her fingers from the owls who weren't keen on having heavier parcels tied into them without being fed first.

Having the window open constantly in November wasn't great either considering how cold it was outside. The group were running around in layers of jumpers, gloves and socks to avoid the drastically dropping temperature from inside. Elle wished her uncle had told her the spell he'd suggested using to make the beach warmer on her wedding as that would definitely be of great use right about now.

Elle wished she hadn't complained about being stuck in the apartment all the time having nothing to do, right know she would love to go back to lounging around watching movies and drinking a ridiculous amount of butter beer. Instead she was running up and down stairs and trying not to get attacked by owls.

"How much longer do we have to do this?" Verity called out in annoyance as a particular viscous owl lunged at her,
"Only ten more orders" Fred panted as he appeared at the top of the steps laden with boxes.
Elle sighed angrily gaining a withering look from Fred who was determined that his idea of a postal service was one of his best yet.

To be fair it had helped them out a lot with the money issue. Since the shop had to close down for their own safety they had to stop taking so many things for granted, the twins made a small fortune off this shop which meant they were never struggling to buy essentials such as food and rent.

However since the shop had closed none of the four had been working meaning money was at a small shortage. Fred's idea to open a postal service was definitely a helpful one as it meant business could continue as (somewhat) normal. This didn't change the fact that this delivery service was a right pain.

By the end of the week they were all lying around on the sofas feeling completely exhausted as the sound of the radio rang out in the background. Fred lazily stroked Sunny's head as he gazed out at the now closed window.
Elle rested her head in George's lap as he gently played with her curls.

No one spoke as they was all so tired from the week of work. Elle felt as though she could sleep for months as she closed her eyes and smiled to herself as she relished at the relaxing feeling spreading through her.


Over the weekend, the four of them had been invited to the infamous 'shell cottage' which was Bill and Layla's new home. None of them had been yet as they'd been quite busy all things considered. Nevertheless Elle was excited to see the small beachside house as ,from what the Weasley parents had described, it sounded quite lovely.

The house was protected by enchantments similar to Grimmauld place in the way that in order to get in, you had to know exactly where it was. The house was protected by a secret keeper ,in this case Bill, and they met him in the village nearby.

It was a cold and blustery day, even more so as the sea was crashing over itself near by. The sky was a pure white, completely covered by clouds which stretched over each other as the dim light from the glowing sun shone through.
Bill greeted them all happily before leading them through a small gate and down a long walkway which was sheltered by marram grass.

Eventually they reached a small cottage which looked over the dark blue sea as they waves curved elegantly before flowing out over the darkened sand.
They were on a relatively low cliff edge where a set of wooden stairs ran down to the actual beach which was completely deserted.

The cottage in question was beautiful. It was a pure white like the sky and had white shells stuck to the side of it creating a textured and appealing look.
There was a small deck outside on which hung a set of silver wind chimes embellished with a few feathers. They made a soft clanking sound as the wind hit them.

Bill entered their house first followed by the twins, Elle and Verity. Inside was just as white as the outside. Wooden beams held up the second floor and a pleasant carpeted staircase twirled with a wooden banister to the next level.
A large table was already set with a pale blue table cloth and there was a set of small antique mirrors on the wall which reflected the light outside.

"Layla they're here!" Bill called and the girl emerged from a door at the back which Elle noticed at a glance was the kitchen.
She looked as radiant as ever with her tight braids pulled into a bun and a short sleeved white dress showing off the patterns on her arms.

"Hiya" she beamed as she walked over "it's great to see you all"
"You too" Elle grinned as she hugged her "I love this place"
"It's charming isn't it" Bill smiled as he levitated six drinks onto the table.

Slowly the  group sat down around it as Elle gazed outside where the beach could still be seen. The sound of the waves was more muffled now but could still be heard gently rolling across the sand.
Talk rose out as they discussed the world, Elle smiled as they began talking about Potterwatch which seemed to have been quite a big hit among the opposition.

"So when are you two getting married?" Layla asked Elle and George casually,
"January tenth" answered Elle as she smiled happily at George sitting beside her,
"Where abouts?" Enquired Bill,
"We don't know yet" George shrugged "on a beach somewhere"

"On a beach?" Frowned Layla as the couple nodded,
"We thought it would be nice to have it at sunset" Elle continued,
"Yeah that would be beautiful" Verity smiled,
"Well I don't know if you'd already considered this or not but... there's a pretty good beach down there" Bill shrugged.

Elle turned to look at the winding wooden steps making their way down to the pale sand where the seat crashed gently over it.
"That's perfect" Elle muttered "I don't know why we didn't think of that"
"Is that ok with you?" George asked bill and Layla who nodded eagerly.

"Of course it is" Layla laughed "we don't technically own the beach anyway it's just with the enchantments and all its pretty well hidden"
"What do you think?" Elle asked excitedly as she turned back to George"
"I agree" he nodded "I think it's perfect"


𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 // George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now