𝟗𝟓. 𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐜𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐦𝐚𝐬

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The next day (or the same day considering they went to sleep at five in the morning) was the day that the Weasley kids could visit Arthur. Elle and Harry both volunteered to stay where they were. Molly insisted Harry came as he'd been the one to see the attack however Elle was adamant that she'd leave them to it. Mainly because she hated hospitals.

Tonks and Moody arrived to accompany them down to St Mungos and shortly after Remus arrived at Grimmauld place. Elle was sitting with Theo and Sirius as Sirius talked loudly and excitedly about some trouble him and his friends got into at school. Elle was laughing so hard she didn't even see Remus walk into the room. He was smirking at Sirius as he took a seat at the table,
"I take it everyone else has gone to see Arthur?" Remus enquired, all three of them nodded while trying to stop laughing so much.

"Why didn't you go?" He asked Elle,
"I think I'm going to go home" she admitted, truthfully that hadn't been the original reason why she left but she had thought of it moments ago "I was thinking if I spent a few days with my parents they wouldn't be so opposed to me spending Christmas here" she continued "if that's ok?" She turned to Sirius who nodded quickly,
"Course it is" he smiled.
"Yes that's a good idea" Remus observed "after all you didn't spend summer with them".

Elle felt guilty about backing out in her parents in the summer, they never got a chance to see her while she was in school and she often neglected to write to them when she was busy. Needless to say they had a lot of catching up to do,
"Will you tell George where I've gone and that I'll be back by Christmas Eve" Elle smiled,

"Why just George?" Theodore looked up from his food,
"No reason" Elle winked "I think I'll apparate there" she decided,
"Are you going now?" Remus enquired as Elle stood up,
"Might as well" she shrugged "I'll see you in a few days.


With that she was gone.
Elle arrived in her back garden just like she had meant to. Arriving at the front of the house could've drawn attention to her while inside the house may have given her parents a heart attack. She pushed open the back door gently and was immediately greeted by her Labrador Sunny who came padding over happily.

"Good boy" Elle grinned as she beat down to give the dog a tickle "I've missed you" she beamed,
Suddenly Samson came walking into the kitchen carrying a large pile of books which he promptly dropped to the floor upon seeing Elle standing in the kitchen.
"What was that?" Elle heard her mother call from upstairs.

"Elle's home" Samson yelled back in a confused tone. Heather came clattering down the stairs and skidded into the kitchen beside her husband,
"Elle... term doesn't end until Friday" she gawped,
"Yeah a lots happened" Elle smiled "fraid I won't be home for Christmas... but I,l be here for a few days if that's ok?"

"I'll put the kettle on" Heather muttered as Elle flopped herself into one of the seats on the breakfast bar,
"I think you're getting taller" Samson mumbled "how old are you now?"
"Samson" Heather snapped from across the room "you should know how old your daughter is,
"I do" Samson retorted "she's ..."
"Seventeen" Elle mouthed,
"Seventeen... blimey are you" Elle laughed as Heather poured out three mugs of hot tea.

𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 // George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now