𝟔𝟏. 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐠𝐨𝐞𝐬 𝐛𝐲

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After the second task, the students had to go back to a life of studying hard rather than watching a bunch of kids risk their lives. Which didn't sound too entertaining but it definitely was.

With all the excitement wearing off over the tournament (for now) Elle had almost forgotten how behind she was in most of her subjects. Studying for Newts was definitely a lot more pressing that Owls. If that was possible.

An edge of excitement and nervousness rose over the school as they learnt one of the organisers of the World Cup (Barty Crouch) had been found dead on the grounds.

Dumbledore told the school it was merely an accident however Elle had the feeling he was being told to say that. The man had never seemed anything more than a grump in her eyes but she still felt bad for him and for Bagman who seemed quite lost without his wingman.

Speaking of Bagman, there was no hope of the twins getting their money back anytime soon. The blackmail definitely wasn't successful, they hadn't told Elle whether they'd gone through with it or not but if they had it certainly hadn't gone well. That they would have told her and would have managed to incorporate as many 'I told you so's' into it as possible.

As March fast approached, Elle began to feel guilty towards Fred who still didn't know about Elle and George. Of course for the last three months there basically hadn't been an Elle and George.

The brunette had stated that they couldn't be officially together until people knew about them. Between small glances and George occasionally holding Elle's hand in Transfigurations. Nothing had happened between them.

Elle wasn't particularly disgruntled by this despite her usual impatient personality. She had more pressing things to focus on. Exams being top of that list. However she had wished that after they'd admitted their feelings to each it her that everything would be so simple.

It seemed like that in most other cases. She'd heard the romantic tales from the girls in the common room.
"Yes and then Chase told me he loved me his romantic"
"Owen practically got down on one knee"

Even Alicia and Angelina seemed to be doing better. They could hardly deny nothing was going on between them however most people didn't ask too many questions and as for the twins, well they hadn't noticed.


With the image of love being pushed in her face at every waking hour, it was true that Elle was starting to feel slightly bitter about the whole situation. After all how hard could it be to tell your twin brother about your relationship.

Elle couldn't really understand as she didn't have siblings herself. Well she did. But the matter was far more complicated than a nervous twin. Her brother was off god knows where and she didn't know if she would ever see him again. Not that they really knew each other at all.

It was the middle of March when Elle decided she couldn't take the waiting any more. One week had turned into one month which had them turned into three months. Enough was enough.

The brunette cornered George after their Transfigurations lesson. It was one lesson they shared where Fred wasn't present which made it the perfect opportunity to sneak off. Elle hadn't exactly talked the George the entire lesson so he knew something was off straight away.

The door slammed behind them and Elle just stared at George indignantly,
"I know what you're going to say" George began,
"If you know what I'm going to say then I shouldn't even be saying it" she huffed loudly. George fell silent for a moment expecting the girl to continue arguing but instead she just looked at him through a stern glaze and crossed arms.

"You look like my mother" he muttered sourly as though he had an odd taste in his mouth,
"Charming, that's a perfectly normal thing to say to your girlfriend...if I even am your girlfriend hell I dint know"
"I want you to be" George stated lightening up slightly before seeing Elle's glare hadn't left,
"Well it certainly doesn't seem like it"

"I know I need to tell Fred"
"George it's been three months, I'm beginning to think you're never going to tell him"
"I told you when the time is right"
"According to your logic, the time will never be right... you know what I should just tell him myself"

"No you can't do that" George blurted out,
"Why not, it would save you the trouble"
"It'll sound better coming from me"
"Sound better? Your making it sound as though we're about to ruin his life" George fell silent again and Elle sighed.

"George do you seriously think he's going to take this news badly?"
"How should I know how he'll take it"
"Um I don't know because your his identical twin" she drawled sarcastically "if anyone will know it would be you George"

He couldn't deny that Elle was correct. George had barely thought about anything else except telling his brother since December but for some reason he just couldn't bring himself to do it.

He and Fred were a pair, a duo and they always had been. Wherever he went Fred would go, and visa versa. Their entire life they'd been inseparable and often intertwined and switched around to confuse people.

Elle had been one of the first people to properly been able to tell them apart. Of course although Molly blundered occasionally if they sat down in front of her without joking around she'd know. Of course she would, all their close family could pick them apart.

The difference with Elle was that she got to know them separately, or more accurately, she got to know him separately. He doubted their siblings had barely ever seen them when they weren't together. That made it difficult to differentiate between the two.

Elle knew that George was the smarter one, the one who explained, the one who gave directions, the more sensitive one, the more introverted one, the better beater (but don't let Fred here that) the one who was shy to admit his love for cinnamon toast, the one who could easily console someone when they were upset. No one else knew that. Not really.

"I'll tell him" George muttered. His thoughts had centred to one conclusion, yes the twins were practically inseparable and he had been worrying that this would drive them apart. However, Elle had become so important to him. He loved how she knew more about him than anyone because she didn't just see him as a twin. And if she deserved anything (which in his eyes she most definitely did) she deserved people to know the truth.

Elle seemed taken aback by this sudden proposal. Truthfully she believed she would have had to work her way through a few more excuses before she got to the point where George would tell his brother. But here they were standing in an empty classroom while George stood with an expression of surety on his face.

"Great, when?"Elle grinned,


𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 // George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now