𝟐𝟔. 𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐥 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐢𝐭

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To say that Elle didn't take the news well was an understatement, she couldn't comprehend it at all. Her parents didn't understand, of course they knew what he had done and what kind of person he was but they hadn't seen this man haunting their dreams every night they didn't know the girl who's parents he tortured they weren't connected to chose who were still terrified by the connections to the dark lord.

If Elle had believed that her parents lying about magic had been bad, this was significantly worse. For one, she'd spent her whole life wondering how much happier she would be if she'd had a sibling only to find out that she did in fact have one. However what made this worse was that she would do anything to disconnect herself from Theodore Sanders, she hated his face having seen it so many times, hearing his low toned voice and knowing what a sick man he was... and he was her brother. Him of all people.

As well as that she couldn't help but resent her parents for giving him up for adoption... if he had never grown up in an orphanage, if he had been shadowed from the magic world just like she was... then he wouldn't have turned out the way he did. He would be an older brother, helping her do her homework and playing football in the back garden. She wanted to shout and scream at her parents but she was scared of what they would do, of what power they held over her.

That power being Hogwarts. If she confessed her thoughts to Heather and Samson she could see them in her minds eye telling her that she was forbidden to return to that school. This conclusion was being considered even without Elle's anger, her parents were worried that if they let Elle continue learning magic there was a chance she would turn out just like him.

Elle didn't know that they believed this, if she did she would be even more angered than she was now. Of course there were many missing factors that prevented this such as not being abandoned at birth and not being in Slytherin ... not that dark wizards couldn't come from other houses... but they often didn't.


Remus tried desperately to convince Heather and Samson that the best port of call was to send Elle back, it would take her mind of the whole ordeal, keeping her locked up would just make her more angry, more resentful and in all honesty more likely to create a monster just like her bother.

Truth was that Elle was now dreading going back to Hogwarts, would she tell her friends like she confided in them about everything. The wise answer would be 'no Elle do not admit to the fact that your brother is a mental death eater who tortured some poor girls parents to insanity' however she felt as though this wasn't something she could just bottle up and forget about.

She doubted even Fred and George would take this news kindly. They made a joke about everything but this time that just seemed insensitive and she imagined that they would try and keep their distance if they knew the truth. After all they always seemed to fear and avoid any talk of Voldemort and his followers.

𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 // George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now