𝟓𝟑. 𝐦𝐢𝐱𝐞𝐝 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬

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There was a huge celebration in the common room that night for Harry who was being paraded around on the twins shoulders holding the golden egg high above his head. Elle sat in the window seat with Lee as the celebration continued. McGonagall hadn't even bothered to come in and tell them all to shut up, Elle decided this was because she too was secretly celebrating Harry's win.
"Open the egg then" Seamus yelled and everyone turned excitedly to Harry,
"Who wants me to open it?" Harry joked around as everyone let out a cheer. Elle let out a loud whoop from where she was siting.

"You want me to open it?" Harry smirked before turning the clasp on the top of the golden egg. As soon as it was opened a large sound burst from it. It sounded worse that nails on a chalkboard as the piercing screeches filled the room.
Fred and George promptly dropped Harry to the floor in order to cover their ears as the boy scrambled on the floor to close the egg.
There was a gasp of relief when the clasp was shut and everyone removed their hands from their ears,
"That's easy that is" Fred smirked "you'll have to face Percy singing in the shower" there was a general chuckle from the room as Harry gazed at the egg in confusion.

Elle decided after all the chaos and stress of the day that it was time to got to bed. She promptly said goodnight to the twins. Fred winked sarcastically at her while George just smiled sadly. George hadn't been himself for a while, at first Elle had assumed it was because of the hassle they'd had with Ludo Bagman however they'd made a small fortune in betting today and he still didn't seem any cheerier.

The brunette decided not to think too much of it however usually when she tried not to overthink, it made herself worse. She lay in bed tossing and turning thinking over what could be wrong with the red head. Eventually she fell into a light sleep and was greeted by a dream immediately.
She dreamt of a large ball being held in the great hall. Students were laughing and dancing around happily. She enjoyed this dream considering hers usually consisted of something going terribly wrong. Elle didn't wake abruptly from it and instead drifted into a deeper sleep when the joyful images ceased.


The next day all the Gryffindor's were called into a large classroom by McGonagall who was standing happily beside an old gramophone. Boys were instructed to be seated on the left while girls on the right. Elle moved away from the twins and sat closely to Alicia and the other three girls.
"This year since we are hosting the triwizard tournament" McGonagall began to announce "we will also be hosting an event known as the Yule ball". Elle beamed excitedly as she thought back to the dreams she'd had last night. This must have been what she was seeing and from the images conveyed it seemed like a fun event.

McGonagall went on to explain how the students would need to dance at this ball. Meanwhile the five girls talked excitedly about dresses and dates.
"We should all go to Hogsmeade and pick out dresses next week" Lauren whispered excitedly "it'll be loads of fun" the girls consecutively agreed and turned back to Minerva who was now pulling Ron up from his seat to showcase the dance.
Elle laughed as Ron's hands were forced into McGonagall's hips. She looked over to see both the twins laughing to themselves while mockingly swaying around to the music while Ron was forced to spin around gracefully.

𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 // George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now