𝟏𝟏𝟐. 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐩

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The opening of Weasley's Wizarding Weases was a complete success. Elle has suspected it might be. From the day they opened, customers were pouring in constantly leaving the four workers quite hassled. Verity was definitely a good choice for the position as she kept a clear head during the busiest hours and was often telling the twins what to do.

Elle saw a lot of familiar faces in the shop, mainly her old school friends. Every time she saw one of them enter she'd drop what she was doing and go greet them. This wasn't very good for the shop nonetheless. Lee, Angelina, Alicia, Emilia, Kaylee and Dan had all come in at some point during the first week.

It may had only been a few weeks since she'd seen them last but Elle felt a wrench of joy when her friends walked in as though it mad been ages since their last meeting. She greeted Angelina and Alicia with a large hug and told them that she would meet them for a drink in the leaky cauldron during her break.

Turns out the two girls hadn't done a lot during their time off, Alicia had moved in to Angelina's house which wasn't a big step considering she spent most of her time there anyway.
"My mum keeps saying that I should look for a job in the ministry" Angelina sighed as she swirled the bottle of butter beer she was holding slowly "but I don't really agree with what the ministry are doing"

"Oliver's playing for Puddlemere United now" Alicia beamed excitedly "he said he could get Angelina a position as a sub but she declined"
"It's not that I wanted to decline" Angelina explained "but my parents would kill me ,they don't see sport as a real job, and after all we are living in their house".

By the end of the first two weeks, the only friend that Elle hadn't seen in the shop was Patrick. She'd since seen Anna, Alina, Lawrence, Katie and Lauren but there was no sign of the lanky blonde anywhere.
However she definitely enjoyed catching up with everyone else. It seemed weird that she wouldn't be spending most of her time with them this year considering she'd previously been with them all the time.

The twins were making a lot of money from the business which they were very pleased about. They had taken a risk in opening a shop using all of their money however fortunately it had payed off. Elle felt immensely proud of them as she watched them selling products to customers in their matching purple suits. This was definitely the career path for them and the more time Elle spent in the shop, the more she wished that it was the career path for her.

Fred has grown less awkward around Verity (thankfully) meaning he didn't freeze or go red every time she talked to him. Elle wasn't a love seer (like Katie had claimed to be) however she got the idea that Verity liked Fred too. She hoped she was right because she definitely thought they would look good together. Verity was very funny which match Fred perfectly considering he was always joking around.


It was towards the end of August when the twins family were said to be coming in. This fitted in well considering they'd be coming to get their school supplies to go back to Hogwarts. Elle found it weird for some reason to think of people going back to Hogwarts. She missed it already, it had been her home after all. Occasionally she thought whether she could work there however she didn't think she'd be cut out for teaching , kids annoyed her too much.

𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 // George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now